Silver Member
GrannieAnnie said:Broadsbean 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
BuzzyBee 12lbs (0lb lost - 12lbs to go)
Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
GrannieAnnie 8lb (Olb lost - 8lb to go)
little_bubblez 18lb (0lb lost- 18lb to go)
stoo 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Surreygal 10lb (0lb lost-10lb to go)
tobeaskinnyme 12lbs (0lb - 12lbs to go)
I`m always up for a challenge!! October`s target depends on how I finish September. Having said that, I`ve been doing really well this month!!