well the going has definitely gotten tough this week, work just keeps getting better and better (please note strong undercurrent of sarcasm )
have been basically traded off with another team so im back with an old team leader who i dont particularly get on with, after a previous incident. i was basically picked because the ohter people who were up for a move are not very easy going were as i will just get on with it so they picked me cos they thought i wouldnt put up much of a fight. how wrong they were haha.
But i still have to move and my shift pattern is now changing so all the plans ive made for holidays etc need to be re-checked and re submitted. but have been assured that the new pattern will not affect anything i have booked *crosses fingers* plus we have "managers" who come in from a different sight and just seem to cause aggro, i dont even look forward to fridays anymore because theyll be their bringing the mood down
and to put the cherry on the crap cake, im in work tomorrow having finishing a shift today too.
so far haven't gone off plan, i have syns in store for tonight and im having a treat. some choccy and a few crackers and cheese
still managing to feel positive about my eating and weightloss tho so even tho works on a bit of a downer its not effecting my eating in a negative way (which is one of the habbits im trying to break)
so monday is weigh day and i hope the stress hasnt took its toll.
needed to just vent a little over work so sorry if i bored ya's really need a new job but not come up with anything as of yet. keeping my eyes open tho, i feel this is a year of change in more ways than one.