My name is Racheal or Jools, either or is fine, they are my names my everyday friends call me.
You could have used either one of those, instead you decided to belittle me by calling me oxo cube girl or pork scratching girl, which quite frankly takes me right back to my school days when I was bullied for my weight so thank you for that.
Also, as someone who has studied nutrition and dietetics for the past 3 years, I can safely say that my critisism on slim fast is in my scientific opinion correct.
I should be able to come on here and confess when I have slipped up, because as I know before I started this journey I was reading through old posts and seeing that people have struggled was a comfort to me and made me feel like less of a failure at times, so if I can do that for someone else then that makes me happy.
In future, if you could just refrain from replying to my posts unless you genuinely have something constructive to say in a pleasant way, instead of making me feel 2 inches tall I'd appreciate that.
I take enough rubbish for my weight/diet issues in my every day life, minimins is supposed to be an escape for me.
As for feeling unwell, if you read my posts properly, you'd see me banging on about how amazing I feel all the time, but right now, I have a very bad totm, my grandad is in hospital, I have assignments coming out of my ears and my whole social circle has fallen apart at uni, so I do feel I am entitled to feel like this. I do not need a GP, nor do I need to give up exante and I won't be.
I have decided to be open and honest on this forum, as eating in secret and bottling feelings is a maor part of my food issues.
A massive thank you to everyone who has supported me on this thread, it hasn't gone unnoticed

and really is appreciated x