awww, I'm a good lil housewife today, had a cleaning day lol *and* bought food (only for me though

. Put my new curtains up as the velveteen brown ones that previously graced my bedroom window were a) absolutely vile and b) 5 zillion years old, will be taking mine with me when I move out, they are sooo pretty I'm not leaving them!!
So breakfast was courgette with scrambled eggs and a banana
Lunch was a rather scrummy king prawn and egg salad with homemade coleslaw
Just had an apple for a snack
and dinner will be belly pork *yessssss!* with some fried onion and frozen veg.
Thought I did well doing the food shop I stuck to my list (and even didnt buy 2 items as they were too expensive, I'm sorry but basics tin tuna for 90 pence?!?! Just a rip off coz you know it'll look like cat meat *hem hem* I will actually be buying the one that definitely looks like cat meat from ASDA for 45pence lol) apart from buying some lamb mince which was a super good deal and will be super yummy! Got a list of all the meat/fish I have now and will just be buying more veg when I run out until I've used it all! She says
Exhausted now though, may need a pre-dinner nap!
Feel more in control of my food now, got some yummy food to keep me on track, just need to watch my portion sizes. I bought some lemons to make some lemon curd paleo stylee and want to make the bounty bars sometime this weekend too.