Silver Member
Thats how my motivation starts then something makes me give in, when I started the 5:2 diet, my boyfriend pushed me to start a day later and i didn't start at all, even though I was all motivated to stay to 500cals for my 'fast' day. We went out for a meal you see...
Anyways, I don't know where it came from, but it went down my tank top, and I was like, you best not be in my bra!!! and I pushed the neck of my tank top right down to my stomach and it was crawling on the inside of the shirt (not on me)... I'm glad the old man next door wasn't out in his garden at that point lol.
It feels good gardening, I don't eat as much when I do it, like today although unhealthy, I didn't eat until 4:50pm, and it was a ham sandwich. Soon as I came in the house for the evening, food was my main aspect and now i have heartburn :/ Which I'm suffering with a lot lately. The tablets don't help at all...
The good thing about this house is the bathroom has a long mirror build into the wall, which means when I get undressed all I see is my body and tbh it's kind of disgusting atm, my stomach is defiantly hanging down more and I've noticed how fat the top of my kitkat is (lol if you get what this means). My noticed how big my arms were on the day we moved because the vans mirrors shows the entire passenger instead of just the face (sitting so high up). My face looks fatter and my bras give me panic attacks because they're a little too tight... So you can see, I can see my problems and these gave me motivation my last 'attempt' but I can't even remember falling off track it was that subconscious, perhaps I used the move as an excuse and it's gone out of control now.
Anyways, SW Wednesday at 7pm, I will not try and wear my lightest clothes like last time, and I was not be scared of eating out when I'm invited because this was my problem last time, I literally cried when I had a invitation for a meal out because I knew I'd gain weight. I just became obsessed and I don't want to get like that again. I just want a nice group I can go to, get weighed and make friends and I know SW helped me learn how to eat healthy last time, which is something CC hasn't done for me because I just am very clueless about food, I can't even make a meal from ingredients in the fridge unless I've made it before or have a recipe lol.

Anyways, I don't know where it came from, but it went down my tank top, and I was like, you best not be in my bra!!! and I pushed the neck of my tank top right down to my stomach and it was crawling on the inside of the shirt (not on me)... I'm glad the old man next door wasn't out in his garden at that point lol.
It feels good gardening, I don't eat as much when I do it, like today although unhealthy, I didn't eat until 4:50pm, and it was a ham sandwich. Soon as I came in the house for the evening, food was my main aspect and now i have heartburn :/ Which I'm suffering with a lot lately. The tablets don't help at all...
The good thing about this house is the bathroom has a long mirror build into the wall, which means when I get undressed all I see is my body and tbh it's kind of disgusting atm, my stomach is defiantly hanging down more and I've noticed how fat the top of my kitkat is (lol if you get what this means). My noticed how big my arms were on the day we moved because the vans mirrors shows the entire passenger instead of just the face (sitting so high up). My face looks fatter and my bras give me panic attacks because they're a little too tight... So you can see, I can see my problems and these gave me motivation my last 'attempt' but I can't even remember falling off track it was that subconscious, perhaps I used the move as an excuse and it's gone out of control now.
Anyways, SW Wednesday at 7pm, I will not try and wear my lightest clothes like last time, and I was not be scared of eating out when I'm invited because this was my problem last time, I literally cried when I had a invitation for a meal out because I knew I'd gain weight. I just became obsessed and I don't want to get like that again. I just want a nice group I can go to, get weighed and make friends and I know SW helped me learn how to eat healthy last time, which is something CC hasn't done for me because I just am very clueless about food, I can't even make a meal from ingredients in the fridge unless I've made it before or have a recipe lol.