I gained 2lb. However every single person gained at group and the scales are brand new and we think this is the reason? My scales at home which usually match up say 15st 8lb.
The group was in a proper fit, certain new people were very rude to the weigh in staff, making her cry, I run the shop and over heard people talking about it, saying how it's fixed... really was no need for it.
I'm not too fussed, I expected a gain because I thought I've only been on plan 4 days.
I got home and Daniel presented me with a cookie, I ate it and i regretted it. So I've cancelled the lunch out I was suppose to have today and I'm back on plan today.
Breakfast - Porridge 35g, milk HEA, a small punnet of raspberries.
Lunch -
Dinner -
I have a vets appointment at 5:10pm for Zuki, it doesn't look good but it has to be done.