Panic over HEXB + Syns for Bread


Full Member
I'm confused and bit panicked and could really use some advice....

The last two days I have had 2 slices of wholemeal bread for lunch. They're thickish slices from a heavy wholemeal loaf (from M&S bakery.)

I usually count HEXB plus a couple of syns to be on the safe side. I weighed the bread today and it was 6oz! So by my calculations it is HEXB plus 10 syns!

That can't be right can it?
Oh dear, I'm surprised you didn't get a reply - perhaps you found out elsewhere but just in case - you're allowed 60g of wholemeal bread for a HEb (that's a smidge over 2oz). Therefore, if you're having approx 6oz on EE that'll be your HEb + 12 syns as each HEb is 6 syns.

You can reduce the syns to 6 but only if you have a green or original day & use another 2oz of the bread as your 2nd HEb.

Hope this helps.