i found this recipe and it looks good, will be trying it for dinner tomorrow evening!
cheese and potato flan
You will need:
1pkt Cheese Smash
1pkt Batchelors Cheese & Broccoli Pasta 'n' Sauce
1 Tub Quark
3 Eggs
Sliced fresh tomato (optional)
What to do:
1) In a large bowl, empty Smash and Pasta 'n' Sauce. Add enough boiling water to just cover the ingredients, and stir well.
2) Add Quark and Eggs. (At this stage, it may look sloppy, but don't worry, tastes good in the end)
3) Pour into a Quiche dish and cover the top with sliced tomatoes (optional)
4) Place in 180 Degree oven for 30-35 mins.
This tastes like a Greggs Pasty (Without the pastry. Haha!)
Goes great with Slimming World chips and peas
not sure if it would have any sins? still new to this!