Hi guys, I would say Good Morning, but it's not morning in NZ so I'll stick with hi to avoid confusion LOL!
I'm liking the sound of your new found love of salad Calamity, that's great and that you're having smaller portions, I think that's the way to go for me as it's so hard to stop eating once you've started!
Have fun with your baking and remember to enjoy what you've made, if you really fancy eating a cake/biccie you've made then go for it! It's lovely not being on a diet and not having to say no, I shouldn't, but it's still hard not to feel guilty sometimes, years of dieting mentality doesn't go away overnight.
Well done on your jog atsmith, that's one thing I can't do (well one of many LOL) my sister (who lives in NZ by the way) runs marathons, does tri-athlons, plays hockey and is so fit, I couldn't be more opposite of that if I tried!
I'm out most of today, going to see a friend but planning to use my Bodi-Tek machine in front of the telly later, it's like a surfboard, that moves back & for & up & down, it's great and is supposed to give your muscles a really good work out - it's been very neglected but it's been dusted off & is now waiting for me!!
have a good day all
Jan x