Paul McKenna's Hypnotic Gastric Band

That's just amazing Missmiff. You should try getting some weights to represent that 9st and you probably wouldn't even be able to lift it up. Amazing loss, well done.

My husband said last night "you seem really happy these days". Thanks Mr McKenna :)
I'll be hunting down a 9 stone 3 woman and picking her up and carrying her around for a day. .lol

Thanks for your kind words. . it's just great feeling great xx
I'll be hunting down a 9 stone 3 woman and picking her up and carrying her around for a day. .lol xx

Please let me have a picture of that moment, lol!
Don't worry it'll probably be in all the newspapers with the headline.. weight loss woman steals skinny woman from cake shop
I've just purchased this book, it's great to see that it is having a positive effect on some people, looking forward to trying it out tonight!
DoodleDo, I have found that the I Can Make You Thin book and CD has been better for me personally so don't be disheartened if you don't find the HGB as successful as you'd like as you could try ICMYT instead.

Whichever one works, I think the main result people have is not so much that you feel you don't want to eat, but you feel so positive about yourself that you find eat so much easier to eat better. That's my experience so far anyway but some people do find with the HGB that they find they get fuller a lot quicker.
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Thank you. .xx I still have a good 6 stone to go. . but I am so happy and content. I honestly don't feel like it's a diet any longer. X
Didn't have such a good day yesterday. We were out all day at a County show and I took Sandwiches. We were out a lot longer then I thought and by the time we got home and I cooked dinner, I was absolutely starving and ate tons! I know I shouldn't, but I feel really bad! I am fully aware that even the skinniest person in the world overeats at one point or another and just gets on with life, without feeling guilty.
I guess it'll take a while to shake off this dieting-guilt feeling.
Dust yourself off, pick yourself up and start again. You know yourself that the worst thing you could do here would he to heat yourself up about it because you know where that leads!

I'm going out for a meal tonight and normally that means I eat loads of rubbish all day because I've 'spoilt my diet anyway' but today I've managed to eat well and I'll enjoy the meal so much more tonight as a result. I know I need to listen to the cd again as I keep getting thoughts about bingeing and that goes when I listen.
Hope you'll enjoy your meal out tonight!
I know what you mean about listing to the CD again. I am the same, but I haven't got a quiet minute at the moment. Roll on next week when the kids go back to school!
Hope you'll enjoy your meal out tonight!
I know what you mean about listing to the CD again. I am the same, but I haven't got a quiet minute at the moment. Roll on next week when the kids go back to school!

I hear you! My eldest has his first day at 'big school' on Tues so I need to control my emotions so I don't binge. Will definitely need to listen to the cd Mon night!
I hear you! My eldest has his first day at 'big school' on Tues so I need to control my emotions so I don't binge. Will definitely need to listen to the cd Mon night!

SNAP!!! My middle daughter starts secondary school next Thursday! She is excited and scared and I am a nervous wreck LOL. Trying hard not to show her how I feel.
Having stopped smoking aswell, has removed my comfort blanket, so.....not binging or smoking when I am stressed is really hard!
I am beginning to think that I haven't timed this very well. Maybe I should have done one thing at the time!?
Hey, I jumped in on this post a few weeks ago but have put off buying the book. I wanted to ask some questions if that is ok?

1. I have seen you mention 1/2 week before you actually start that you need to do certain things. Do you NEED to do this? Has anyone not done it? Is it the same with I can make you thin?

2. What are the 4 rules? I believe one is ti sit at the table to eat, what if you don't have a table? My house is tiny with no dining room or space for a table.

3. Has/is anyone doing this along side slimming world? I already go but just feel like I need a bit of a helping hand to shift this weight.

Thank you in advance for any replies. I really want to either give HGB or ICMYT a go as soon as possible but unsure which would be best for my life style x
double post
Hi ican!
1) I didn't do anything before I started. I started off with ICMYT and all you do is follow the 4 golden rules. With the HGB, you are suppose to cut out fatty food and increase exercise. Can't quite remember, but I didn't do that either as I dont' like fatty foods anyway and I am allergic to exercise LOL

2) The 4 golden rules are
* eat when you are hungry
* eat what you really want and not what you feel like you SHOULD
* stop eating when you are full or even suspect you are full
* eat consciously! You don't need a dining table! Just enjoy what you are eating and eat it slowly instead of wolfing it down! I've got a degree in
wolfing my food! I struggled with this the most when I started!
3) Personally, I haven't done it along SW, but I can't see why it shouldn't work! Obviously "eat what you really want" goes out of the window with this one, but I am sure when you follow the other rules, the weight will come off!

I would say "I can make you thin" is a good place to start and you can get the book 2nd hand of amazon for pennies! When I read it for the first time, I had so many "aha" moments, that I decided then and there, that I don't want to diet ever again! He wants people to eat normally and to stop dieting. You would have to read it to see if it's for you.

Hope that helps! x
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Hi Ican!
I do all three! Have been an SW member for years, but have been stuck forever. Dived in with HGB after reading Miss Miffs posts and was inspired. All worked fine. I accidentally downloaded the ICMYT app, thinking it was the HGB trance and liked that too!
I am now 3 pounds off my target that I've been trying to get to for years. Both of the 'trance' methods gave me the kick start I needed and I'm grateful not to be a diet slave any longer.
Hope it works for you too! X
Thank you. Does ICMYT come with a CD or is it just a book? x