Hey i am a lurker so hope there is room for 1 more! I bought the book over the weekend and installked the band yesterday. I do feel different already and only ate a 1/3 of my lunch today and could have kept going but felt full so i stopped. Anyway i am up to page 9 of this thread and have realised i cannot possibly ever catch up as this is page 44! Feeling very inspured so if any of you have any hints or tips please let me know as I'll keep reading from here on in. xx
Am I the only one who is absolutely in love with the Havening technique?
It instantaneously kills my emotional hunger! I get this extreme, almost unbelievable sense of child-like joy, and I keep remembering good memories from my childhood, especially of being nurtured by my mom!
I love it!Feel so blessed today, thank God.
Which technique do you use because in the Havening dvd that comes with the I can make you thin book, it is a lot more involved with looking downwards and up, tapping on your collarbone and singing happy birthday. the Havening that comes with the gastric band book is simpler with just looking left and right and imagining walking down steps and counting.
When I do it when I feel stressed so many emotions come up, it does calm me down a bit but hasn't stopped me from having a binge (yet)
Hello Never22Again
I am using the Havening technique in Paul's Hypnotic Gastric Band book.
The one in I Can Make You Thin was less effective for me, I don't know why. I think belief has a lot to do with it, like I believe this "newer" technique is better so I got better results from it. I believe it can help you too. Just make sure your negative emotions are down to zero. Keep repeating it until you feel good. Perhaps even try the 9 Gamut Procedure. Look it up on google/youtube, it's very similar to Havening. I learned to combine both for more efficient results.
For instance, an hour ago, I thought about all the work I have to do and felt this sudden hunger - I immediately knew it wasn't physical hunger, so I did the Havening technique from HGB twice and it went away. A few minutes later I realized I was thirsty so I drank half a glass of yummy chocolate milk and the hunger went away.
Good luck! :hug99:
Lionesque xx
I'm not expecting a loss this week, we couldn't be bothered to cook on Tuesday night and ended up going to Dominoes and getting a pizza each then plonking in front on the telly and wolfing it down, i was amazed how quickly i ate when im not concentrating, it really does make a difference