Well done Paul..just writing it all down and seeing it in black and white is motivation in itself
I think it is so encouraging to realise that men do have the same fears and body issues as women, and have the same goals in life, thankyou for making the females amongst us aware of it
Enjoy turning heads Paul

..i turn heads too, but for all the wrong reasons!!!! hee hee
Good luck for tomorrows weigh in
Yes we do, its just that a lot of guys won't admit it and I don't know why that is.
Here is a great recipe I made yesterday and it's good:
It's a great use for leftover ham, this Swedish cabbage casserole has been known to transform confirmed cabbage haters into converts.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Total Time: 55 minutes
Yield: 6 servings cabbage casserole
1/2 head large cabbage, shredded
1 large red onion, thinly sliced
2 cups leftover ham, diced
5 eggs
1 cup grated hushållsost (farmer's cheese) - or substitute mozzarella or Monterey jack
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. freshly ground pepper
1 Tbsp. finely chopped chives
Preheat oven to 400°. In a medium pot, bring 4 cups of lightly salted water to a boil; add shredded cabbage, reduce heat to a simmer, and maintain a light boil for 10 minutes. Then, remove and drain cabbage well in a colander, patting well with paper towels to remove all excess water.
Meanwhile, using pam, saute red onion slices over medium-low heat until opaque and very slightly browned. Remove from heat.
Lightly grease bottom of casserole dish with cooking spray. Distribute the ham in an even layer; cover first with the sauted onions and then with the cabbage. Whisk together 5 eggs, grated farmer's cheese, salt, pepper, and chopped chives; pour over casserole.
Bake in upper third of oven for 30 to 40 minutes, until browned.
Today's workout:
One arm clean and press 2x5 L and R, One arm bent over row 2x6 L and R, One arm windmill 1x3 L and R, One arm front squat 2x6 L and R. One arm swing 2x10 L and R.
Finisher, tabata pushups and squats.
Food for today:
Breakfast,Bacon and eggs with toast.
Dinner, huge salad with home made burgers.
Supper, Left over cabbage casserole with mashed turnip and carrots.
Snacks, Fruit, cheese and some almonds.
Everything is going well for me, my children are thriving and having fun, I am getting fitter by the day and am full of energy. It just such a change, mentally and physically,I have so much more focus and drive.