Exclamation mark abuser!
Well what a day (hubby just informed me that it is Black Monday today, whatever that is... sounds about right!)
Left home this morning at 8.15am and just got in at 8.15pm, have only just managed to have my lunchtime shake, God only knows how I'm going to fit in my 3rd.
The day started OK, got on really well with my new service user who I started with today but over-ran by about 10 mins making me late for my next one who can be a bit tetchy at times, so I was worried about that, in the mean time the Dulcolax that I took last night kicked in big time! Won't go into detail but not pleasant!! Got through 3 hours with the tetchy one - no chance for a shake. Made it to my next 2 hour appointment ok but then she wasn't home, had to hang around in the p!ssing rain for half an hour waiting for her, managed to get shake one in. The last 2 hours with my last service user were fine but never have enough time with him so rushed off my feet again.
Picked my mum up from work and when I got in, hubby reminded me about a chamber of commerce meeting I was supposed to be at. I haven't been to the last few because I finish too late for the meeting, however they specially changed the meeting time to accommodate me so felt I had to go, even though I was still going to be 15 mins late. Meeting went on a bit too long for my liking and I was bursting for the loo so excused myself early and finally got in at 8.15pm.
I suppose it's good to be busy but it was a bit too busy for my first day back at work! I've got this week at normal hours before my colleague is off for a fortnight and I am covering almost all of her sessions, phew! It'll be mid Feb before I can start thinking about a day off. Hopefully by then I'll be halfway on my 12 week journey and the next few weeks will have whizzed by
Anyway still 100%, never really was into pasties and pies but the smell of them in town today was divine, any cravings I had soon passed and even managed to stick to just a black coffee whilst one of my services users scoffed down an all day breakfast for lunch! I found it actually didn't bother me, woohoo
How has everyone else been today, just going to spy on you now while watching The Biggest Loser on ITV xx
Well what a day (hubby just informed me that it is Black Monday today, whatever that is... sounds about right!)
Left home this morning at 8.15am and just got in at 8.15pm, have only just managed to have my lunchtime shake, God only knows how I'm going to fit in my 3rd.
The day started OK, got on really well with my new service user who I started with today but over-ran by about 10 mins making me late for my next one who can be a bit tetchy at times, so I was worried about that, in the mean time the Dulcolax that I took last night kicked in big time! Won't go into detail but not pleasant!! Got through 3 hours with the tetchy one - no chance for a shake. Made it to my next 2 hour appointment ok but then she wasn't home, had to hang around in the p!ssing rain for half an hour waiting for her, managed to get shake one in. The last 2 hours with my last service user were fine but never have enough time with him so rushed off my feet again.
Picked my mum up from work and when I got in, hubby reminded me about a chamber of commerce meeting I was supposed to be at. I haven't been to the last few because I finish too late for the meeting, however they specially changed the meeting time to accommodate me so felt I had to go, even though I was still going to be 15 mins late. Meeting went on a bit too long for my liking and I was bursting for the loo so excused myself early and finally got in at 8.15pm.
I suppose it's good to be busy but it was a bit too busy for my first day back at work! I've got this week at normal hours before my colleague is off for a fortnight and I am covering almost all of her sessions, phew! It'll be mid Feb before I can start thinking about a day off. Hopefully by then I'll be halfway on my 12 week journey and the next few weeks will have whizzed by
Anyway still 100%, never really was into pasties and pies but the smell of them in town today was divine, any cravings I had soon passed and even managed to stick to just a black coffee whilst one of my services users scoffed down an all day breakfast for lunch! I found it actually didn't bother me, woohoo
How has everyone else been today, just going to spy on you now while watching The Biggest Loser on ITV xx