Pauline Quirke

oops well my calculations were a bit wrong I thought I needed 1700 but thats what i need at my present weight when I was working out my calorie deficit

I cant remember what weight i was but calculated i needed 1700 , and was consuming 700 therefore a deficit of 1000 per day , if 3000 cals equals 1lb I determined I would lose 1lb every 3 days which actually when i stick to plan is pretty accurate

At my goal weight of 9st 7 Ill need nearer 1450
Calorie counter link is very good - BUT I have just worked out my ideal weight on it and it says 134lbs, I seriously havent been that since I was about 14. That would make me MINI.........I am 5 foot 7" and am wondering if anyone is about the same height and has a goal too? The plate thing looks good though
Thanks - so we can achieve it together, think that is a small incentive there for us to do that. I cannot imagine myself so slim, but will evaluate as I keep losing.
Pauline Quirke has a lot to answer for LOL
norweigan girl , my goal is 9st 7 and im only 5ft 1 , i would not look right any smaller than that

I think the weight/height / dress size thread proves that our ideal weights are very different and height is not a very good indicator of what that should be
Definitely going to get a diet plate and one for Giza as a present. I think rule of thumb height of food is no more than 1/2 and inch! Xx
Oh no, I was really wanting her to be successfull I hope she manages to pull it back x
If Best said it was April I'd check my calendar before I believed them.

How do they know her weight. You just know they're hoping she fails to maintain. The media take such delight in yo yo dieters
She has recently been on this morning and I thought she looked a little too thin so I hope the extra pounds are fine, I do hope Pauline manages to stay within a healthy weight range because there is so much interest surrounding her success I feel like the press are just willing her fail partly because a VLCD helped her to achieve her new body. Irrespective of your chosen method of weight loss whether it be calorie counting, fat counting, carb eliminating, VLCD or living on a threadmill :eek:, if you adopt your old eating habits and dont exercise then a gain is inevitable.

She is without doubt an inspiration to many dieters and is enjoying all the health benefits that come with such dramatic weight loss, just hope she can prove the VLCD sceptics wrong and just enjoy being slim, fitter and healthier because she's earned it!
I agree girls the media would love her to fail, world is so negaritive. Papers make money out of negativity.
Well I don't think she has a bigger incentive to keep the weight off than the weight of the media on her back all the time waiting for her to fail. I damn well know it would make me pretty determined.
I defo decided to take the leap again after researching her weight loss. I hope she doesn't go back to her old ways, because it is so easy for any of us to put it all back on if we don't keep ourselves in check.
Pauline quirke is signing her book this week, in my local (ish) WHSmith so I'm going along! I'll get to meet her and hopefully talk to her. Will be interesting either way!
MiniMoosh said:
Pauline quirke is signing her book this week, in my local (ish) WHSmith so I'm going along! I'll get to meet her and hopefully talk to her. Will be interesting either way!

The book is awesome-I bought the audio version(read by her) and am half way thru for the 2nd time x
I've read the book- well most of it, I'm away and didn't bring it with me! I think I'll have to buy it there for her to sign though, I just have a library copy!
That's funny MiniM - get her to sign the library book!!