Awww Katie behave you'll have me crying!thank you so much though that really is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me, and it means the world to me to think I've helped you on your awesome journey. You are doing amazingly and I have absolutely nothing but faith that you will get to goal and you will change your life
the past is the past you are going towards the future!
It should be me who is thanking you for being so amazing and losing 12stone, and then in turn inspiring me .. And I bet you've inspired so many more people that are just lurkers and not posters on here, and in real life.
My my life is changing already just with nearly 4st so I imagine triple that is going to be amazing. Yeah it's all about the future
This post made me well up.. Awwww xxxx
aww don't you be crying Curve haha