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Oops I guess you can't type that websites name sorry. It is that very well known website where you can purchase deals etc.
We got a gender scan at 17 weeks, I couldn't wait anymore! It is lovely just to see them more than the normal 2 nhs scans too! Watch out on ******* as we got our 3d scan as an offer. It was £70 reduced from over £200 as it was the all singing, all dancing package with a DVD etc. I didn't have mine until 30 weeks as my friend had hers around the 25 week mark and they are not as chunky so the pictures are not as good.
I am am sure you will look great even later in the pregnancy as obviously you are being sensible about what you eat. I on the other hand ate everything in sight and ended up over 3 stone heavier :/ oops! They are all worth it and more, I would do it all again tomorrow!
I think it maybe thought I was trying to advertise the site but it is just that nationwide online site where you can get deals on all manner of random things from eating out to holidays. You have to enter where you live and then it sends you daily deals. Anyway, hopefully you can guess from that which one I mean.
We had three extra scans in the end, an early scan around 8 weeks, a gender scans round 17 weeks and the 3d scan. I would have had more (I was a bit addicted!!) but my dh reigned me in!!
I actually don't think you can help the tiredness. When I had my bloods done at my first appointment my iron levels were perfect so I know I am eating the right stuff and my energy is fine, I exercise which is supposed to help, I get 8hours sleep most nights. The tiredness is just completely out of my control. I do think some days are worse than others. If I have a hectic few days then eventually I have one very tiring day. So just try and take it easy I guess is the best advice.
To me the symptoms like tiredness and sickness suck but it is a symptom telling me things are on track. If they went, especially in the first 8 weeks I think I would have panicked. They are comforting in a way. I don't really have sore boobs or backache, or belly ache, or constipation. So the tiredness and sickness keeps me happy which I know sounds strange.
Advice - just sleep. I've had a few 1 hour power naps after work and have still managed to fall asleep in the evening
I know what you mean, I have terrible back ache and my boobs are so sore! I have only had a few days feeling sicky but otherwise I'm fine. It's literally the sleep, it's knocking me! I'm getting so stressy and emotional. I keep snapping at Jamie and he laughs at me then I get upset so he comforts me, makes a joke so I snap again and we just go round in circles lol
I had a nap the other day but just took so much longer to get to sleep. I just feel like I'm losing it! I can't cope with this for another 8months x
There’s not a lot you can do hun but it does normally get better after a few weeks. I remember in the early weeks I would get home, curl up in the chair and nod off then wake up and go and get in bed for the night! (This was more with my first, second time round I had a toddler who didn’t let me do that lol). It’s horrible I know, try to think of it as a good thing though as it means that little baby in there is doing well and is stealing all of your energy so he/she can grow nice and strongI did start to feel better after a few weeks too so hopefully you should too xx
Yeah I guess your right. There's just nothing worse than tossing and turning all night and nothing you can do about it. Especially when Jamie's asleep next to me. I just feel saying oi I'm awake and it's half your fault so you should be awake with me lol xx
Lol yes that's true! Wake him up! That's what I used to do with Neil lol x
Well my midwife told me today that my iron levels were PERFECT and very high which is good. She asked me what I do to get them so good lol! I said....well it hey are high I'd hate to know what t feels like when they are low lol!
Hope your feeling more energetic today!!
Hi hun! How ru? How's the pregnancy going? Xxx
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