Im on Day two and I am sticking to three soups a day...I found last night quite difficult as the food voice i my head was none stop... Ive just had my first soup of the day and so far so good...
Its going to be a long journey...Ive been size 28 my whole adult life and I am 38...I truy do not want to be fat and 40... one of the members on here suggested I wrote a long list of the reasons why I want to lose the weight...I was not sure I had that many reasons...How wrong was I!!! The list goes on and on and just kept flowing, suprisingly many of the reasons were to do with wearing different types of clothing...I guess Ive been stuck in a rut of wearing baggy un sexy thigs all my adult life and somethig inside wants that to change... Well ramble over for now... :wave_cry: