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Hey Peggy, I'm currently on day 9. Do you find it's getting easier? (Apart from the little meltdown) well done for not giving in! 
sounds like youve got it down to a 't'.isnt it wierd that some days are so easy yet others are so rubbish? some times you can be surrounded by food and its fine, other times the cravings start and you could almost chew the leg off a chair your so hungry lol
sounds like your partner is very supportive and that is key to doing this i think. mine is also great and is giving me lots of attention, too much sometimes if you get my drift lol but it means a lot to me that he finds me attractive and knows how hard this all is.
im not sure if youve told your other family members about doing this diet? i decided not as i didnt want to give regular updates or get negative feedback from anyone..i think its hard enough without anyone commenting however nice they think they are being, dont you?
h x