Pesty's Diary: Losing the baby bulge

Looking gorgeous Pesty. I'm now 16+5 and suddenly seem to have developed a bump... Had hoped for a nice neat one but I fear I'm gonna be a huge sweaty mess instead! xx

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Looking gorgeous Pesty. I'm now 16+5 and suddenly seem to have developed a bump... Had hoped for a nice neat one but I fear I'm gonna be a huge sweaty mess instead! xx

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Thanks, mine is now in full bumpage more, 46.5 inches round my belly button!!

Assuming '+5' is how many days you are? If thats the case im 22 + 1

getting cramps down my right side of my stomach, apparantly thats quite common between 21-24 as she'll be having a growth spurt - oh the joys!!! haha

how you finding pregnancy? xx
Not too bad since the first trimester finished. Seem to have my energy back etc and no real aches or pains. Have been going to aqua natal and walking quite a bit so hopefully that helps. Still waiting for my first appt with the hospital out here, going to speak to midwife this week to find out what's going on cos 20 weeks will soon be upon me n I can't wait to see bubba again!!

Hubby reckons my belly is definitely getting firmer too which is a good sign baby is moving into the right place :)

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Not too bad since the first trimester finished. Seem to have my energy back etc and no real aches or pains. Have been going to aqua natal and walking quite a bit so hopefully that helps. Still waiting for my first appt with the hospital out here, going to speak to midwife this week to find out what's going on cos 20 weeks will soon be upon me n I can't wait to see bubba again!!

Hubby reckons my belly is definitely getting firmer too which is a good sign baby is moving into the right place :)

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Aww all sounding good!! how comes you havent seen the doc till now?

My 'stitch' is still happening quite a lot, so I have to just stop on the walk to work to wait for it to go away before i can keep going. Hopefully that'll be over with when i get to 24 weeks.

23 tomorrow eeeek!!! Getting close to a milestone of survival!! xxx
Lol a milestone of survival!! I was reading about that in the daily mail yesterday. They want to reduce the time limit on abortions because of the number of babies who can survive at 23 weeks...

We've just moved to Cyprus so although I've seen my midwife and a gp, I haven't yet been to the private hospital where I'll have my baby. Got my first appt there on Wednesday tho so looking forward to that!

Had the faff of having to book in all over again when I got here even tho I brought all my notes with me from the uk, and my med centre is still NHS...Bureaucracy at it's best!!

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Well 26 weeks now - 14 (ish) to go!!! Ive been pregnant now for 185 days - and dont I know it!!!

James felt her kick at the weekend which is nice, its really helped him to connect with her and feel a bit more involved.

Its suddenly hit me that im going to have a child to look after soon, my brain separated being pregnant from having a baby - I'm a little bit terrified!!!

Im 0.4lbs away from being 15 stone - pretty sure i will have smashed that by a couple of lbs next week the way this little one is growing!!

Ive got to go for a GTT on the 1st Oct. Been fine my entire pregnancy but they decided to lower the 'high risk' BMI from 35 to 30 and becuase i was over 30 at my first midwife appt i now qualify.

Its good to know but a bit of a performance, fasting for 12 hours, get blood test, drink sugar, sit for TWO HOURS doing nothing, get another blood test TA DA! James has taken the day off too though so its not so bad at least i dont have to sit for two hours on my own

Aww I'm pleased he has been able to feel her kick. Still no real kicks here but I've got anterior placenta so trying not to worry too much.

We've got our anomaly scan next week n finally decided we are going to find out what we're having:) the Grannies are super excited to go gender specific shopping!!

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Aww I'm pleased he has been able to feel her kick. Still no real kicks here but I've got anterior placenta so trying not to worry too much.

We've got our anomaly scan next week n finally decided we are going to find out what we're having:) the Grannies are super excited to go gender specific shopping!!

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Me too - i have an anterior placenta. We both only felt her from the outside this weekend so dont worry - 'she'll' give you a good old boot when 'shes' ready!! - Let me know when you find out what youre having!!! HOW EXCITING!!!!!

Weve got a 4D scan booked for when im 31 weeks so that the grandmas can come with us and feel a little more involved.

We've made all previous scans, etc. just us and i wont be having either of them at the birth so thought it was a nice way to make them feel more specially included than anyone else.

how you feeling? Sickness gone? xx
Lol, now that we've decided to find out, I can't wait!! For about the first 3 months I was convinced it was a boy, then I was convinced it was a girl, now it changes day to day!!

Can't wait to get the big kicks. OH keeps telling me he can hear things happening in my belly n I feel a bit jealous that I don't know what's going on!!

Don't think we could get a 4d scan out here but tbh they freak me out a bit, seeing a baby with features and everything but still in your belly...!! Xx

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Lol, now that we've decided to find out, I can't wait!! For about the first 3 months I was convinced it was a boy, then I was convinced it was a girl, now it changes day to day!!

Can't wait to get the big kicks. OH keeps telling me he can hear things happening in my belly n I feel a bit jealous that I don't know what's going on!!

Don't think we could get a 4d scan out here but tbh they freak me out a bit, seeing a baby with features and everything but still in your belly...!! Xx

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I immediately knew i had to know for two reasons:

1) Reference to 'it', but what else can you call he/she!?

2) Preparation. Theres nothing wrong with a few white baby grows but once he/she is born you immediately want to put her in a dress or him in a little blue suit - plus the inevitable girl or boy question from everyone who cant tell when theyre in a white baby grow.

I was lucky that OH felt the same.

I measured the other day and im nearly 4 ft round!! Ive still got 3 months to go so i cant imagine how big im going to be by then!!! OH can hear her moving too, I know what you mean about feeling a bit jealous. I find it weird to think that he can hear whats going on in my body but i cant feel/hear it!!

I've been naughty and ordered myself a Doppler so I can hear what he hears. I resisted until now because I worried it would make me panic if I couldn't find the heartbeat, but as long as my scan goes ok next week I think I will be ok...

Re finding out the sex - the main reason I now want to is that it is so difficult to buy stuff new out here, so it's not like hubby could nip out after the birth and buy loads of gender specific stuff without paying an absolute fortune. I've been told Mothercare here is between 3 & 8 times as expensive as at home :eek: and it's an hour and a half drive away... Plus I'm seeing lots of second hand stuff that's been barely worn, if at all, so I'd love to get some bargains!!

I'm scared to measure myself... Have been keeping a eye on the scales and tipped over the 10 stone mark this morning, which for me is a big deal and actually makes me feel sick :( I realise it's only going to get worse, I just don't want to be massive after finally making target in March! xx
Well. Had my first proper slimming world meal for ages - not that I've been naughty or anything, it's just always recipes out of my head like chili and spag bol or chicken with veg etc.

Had the day off today so convinced the OH to come to aldi with me after I'd sat and picked recipes from the extra easy cook book and made a list.

My shopping came to £55 rather than the usual £100 and I've got enough ingredients for 7 slimming world meals (plus usual groceries).

Tonight I made the turkey meatballs and I cannot tell you how yum it was - meatballs looked a bit pasty cuz I didn't pre cook them and thought I'd regret it but didn't at all. YUM YUM.

Page 108 of the extra easy cook book if anyone has it.

In other news I had my gluten tolerance test today to see if I have gestational diabetes (they test if your bump is big or you're over 30 bmi - mine was the latter). Results to be found out tomorrow!

Right, I'm off to find something sweet and not horrendously calorific... Baby steps people... Baby steps.

Me and bump all ready for bed!


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Thanks guys. James has started working nights so it's our first night alone tonight!!

He'll be here when I wake up but feeling a bit weird about it.

Funny how the second I start to have any emotions I come on here to see everyone haha xx
Thanks guys. James has started working nights so it's our first night alone tonight!! He'll be here when I wake up but feeling a bit weird about it. Funny how the second I start to have any emotions I come on here to see everyone haha xx

You have bubs so u are never alone now xxx
Love the cute pjs and the bump :). Hope your first night alone wasn't too bad xx

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Thanks Laura, it was fine! But restless but that's not surprising. Last night tonight so will be back with him tomorrow morning then it's days for the rest of this month.

Made the chicken curry from the EE cook book tonight (chicken curry and potato) and was apparently a little heavy handed with the curry powder. Phew!!!!!!