Looking gorgeous Pesty. I'm now 16+5 and suddenly seem to have developed a bump... Had hoped for a nice neat one but I fear I'm gonna be a huge sweaty mess instead! xx
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Not too bad since the first trimester finished. Seem to have my energy back etc and no real aches or pains. Have been going to aqua natal and walking quite a bit so hopefully that helps. Still waiting for my first appt with the hospital out here, going to speak to midwife this week to find out what's going on cos 20 weeks will soon be upon me n I can't wait to see bubba again!!
Hubby reckons my belly is definitely getting firmer too which is a good sign baby is moving into the right place
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Aww I'm pleased he has been able to feel her kick. Still no real kicks here but I've got anterior placenta so trying not to worry too much.
We've got our anomaly scan next week n finally decided we are going to find out what we're havingthe Grannies are super excited to go gender specific shopping!!
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Lol, now that we've decided to find out, I can't wait!! For about the first 3 months I was convinced it was a boy, then I was convinced it was a girl, now it changes day to day!!
Can't wait to get the big kicks. OH keeps telling me he can hear things happening in my belly n I feel a bit jealous that I don't know what's going on!!
Don't think we could get a 4d scan out here but tbh they freak me out a bit, seeing a baby with features and everything but still in your belly...!! Xx
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Me and bump all ready for bed!
Thanks guys. James has started working nights so it's our first night alone tonight!! He'll be here when I wake up but feeling a bit weird about it. Funny how the second I start to have any emotions I come on here to see everyone haha xx
Me and bump all ready for bed!