Pesty's Diary: Losing the baby bulge

I totally agree with Maverick....Lily is still so brand new you must have load on your hands yet your doing SW...Your a star!!
Jess - Grrrrr I hate it when people do that to you.
Don't stress too much - you've not been having all your Hex's all week, so a few extra syns on ONE day shouldn't blow it for you.
((( Hugs )))
Thanks all. I'm so hopeful it doesn't affect WI tonight. I fear a STS or gain would ruin my current positive mental state.

One meal out of 21 shouldn't mean a gain but being so close to WI the bloat may get me!!

Currently sitting on the bed with my little lamb fallen asleep on me. Seems so criminal to wake her but I need to go food shopping, etc. so I'm going to have to get her dressed!

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Thanks all. I'm so hopeful it doesn't affect WI tonight. I fear a STS or gain would ruin my current positive mental state.

One meal out of 21 shouldn't mean a gain but being so close to WI the bloat may get me!!

Currently sitting on the bed with my little lamb fallen asleep on me. Seems so criminal to wake her but I need to go food shopping, etc. so I'm going to have to get her dressed!

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She is beautiful well done you!

Your doing FAB don't let your thoughts run away with you.

You will do fine on the scales...and if its not the result you hoped for dust yourself and keep going. It's a lifestyle change SW and it wil take us time to see understand how outings work for us.

Plus you did Sooo well after I had Malita my appetite was crazy out of control...

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Thanks for all your replies. Went to WI and lost 1.5lb. Worryingly I didn't manage to eat before WI whereas last week I had a jacket potato so I can't help but wonder if I would have STS!!

That's what you get for being off track the day before WI.

Was naughty and had KFC last night and really paid for it, was so thirsty all night from the saltiness and felt generally yuck.

Need to up my food intake I think. Maybe I'm not eating enough?? I don't know!!

Also need to up my milk supply (boobage) she's not feeding so often at the moment - 4 hours ish between some feeds!!! And I'm worried it'll lower my supply then she'll have a growth spurt and I won't have enough!!

Not sure how long I'm going to continue with the boob feeding. I'm really pressurising myself and constantly questioning myself. How long did you all BF for??

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Your body will produce more when she has a growth spurt as she'll demand more. Just make sure she has a good latch and watch for feeding cues. Don't know if you're using a dummy but these can mask feeding cues and reduce supply. Generally if a baby is wanting to suck, at her age it is literally just to feed...too young to know comfort x
She does indeed have a dummy! She sucks CONSTANTLY. Like all day, everyday. It was after three nights awake that I spoke to the midwife and she said to give her a dummy as she clearly just wants to suck.

I can't feed her constantly, I wouldn't move off the sofa to eat or sleep or wee!! One way to get skinny I suppose!!


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Just make sure you don't miss feeding cues and you'll be fine. How's her weight doing?

Don't know if someone has shown you but in the red book, somewhere near the front are some breastfeeding pages. One has a chart that you can go through and see if you're both doing ok.

I would say trust your body and your baby. There will come a time when she's gonna up her feeding and seem like she's always hungry. A lot of women take this to mean they're not producing enough but it is quite the opposite. That's when they're telling your body to produce more and it will do just that.

If weight is good, colour is good, loads of wet and dirty nappies and a milk drunk baby after a feed...then you're all good. Xx
Was sure I'd replied to this, clearly not!!

I can't make my mind up whether to pack in breast feeding all together. I only do it to bond with Lily but she never seems satisfied on just boob during the day.

I express at night and give her a bottle as she had latching issues and it's exhausting. What could take ten minutes with a bottle take me over an hour. In the middle of the night that's no fun.

SW wise I'm on track. Well, I'm q couple of Syns over but I've written it down and will lose 2 syns somewhere tomorrow to make up for it.

Anyone's view on the BF is appreciated

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Was sure I'd replied to this, clearly not!!

I can't make my mind up whether to pack in breast feeding all together. I only do it to bond with Lily but she never seems satisfied on just boob during the day.

I express at night and give her a bottle as she had latching issues and it's exhausting. What could take ten minutes with a bottle take me over an hour. In the middle of the night that's no fun.

SW wise I'm on track. Well, I'm q couple of Syns over but I've written it down and will lose 2 syns somewhere tomorrow to make up for it.

Anyone's view on the BF is appreciated

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It sounds like your trying your best with BF. If expressing works better in time Lily will get better with her bottle usage and it will be less time consuming.

They say breast is best but really what's important is the milk...and she's getting thAt with you expressing.

Bonding is important but there are other ways too, like I mentioned earlier the baby massage, bathing her, talking/singing/playing with her. All these various things build a bond between the both off you.

Don't get frustrated your doing a wonderful just and your bf perseverance is commendable. I have a friend who gave up by after a week.

You are mummy and know what's best for Lily

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Don't stress yourself over BF, I bf Nathan for 6 months and it was hard he wouldn't even have a bottle!!, but Lydia was easier just 4 months and she would have expressed milk in a bottle. But it's not just s out bf it's about night feeds, going out on your own do what you feel is best for both you've done more than most mums x
Forget what health professionals and society think you should do. Do what you want to do. I tell all my women at work that these days are precious and should be enjoyed. I want happy mum's and happy, don't bf, express, mix feed...whatever means you and your lady are happy is what you should do. Don't put the pressure on yourself, it's not worth it. She's had some breast milk which is awesome and will give her a good start.

Out of curiosity, has she been checked for tongue tie?
Thanks for replies. I know the final decision has to be mine, I'm just opinion and information gathering to make sure I'm making an informed decision :)

It's nice to hear it sounds like I'm doing everything I can - sometimes it's easy to put too much pressure and feel rubbish, there's always 1000 questions to be asked and it's easy to let self doubt sink in!!

So really briefly the following has happened:
Straight from birth she's had mixed bottle and boob as I had gestational diabetes. The no1 concern was getting her bloods up.

She didn't latch well until about day 5 so we continued combination. Then we had two days of BF only as she could latch. Then my milk came in and I was so engorged that poor Lily couldn't latch again so I expressed for 10 minutes so that it pulled my nipple enough for her to latch on.

It took me a week to work out to express a bit first (we've not had much support BF wise until I joined a group last week). That week meant that I struggled between bottle and boob and didn't know to express at night too so my supply dwindled.

I got Lily's tongue tie cut and her latched improved even more, although it still takes 45-1 per feed with her still rooting every time she's burped.

So I've been bottle feeding at night and expressing then just breast all day. She's been really grumpy and fussy. Today I had a hissy fit with all the screaming and crying and I topped her up with a bottle. She has slept all day and been perfectly content!!!

So I'm not sure if it's a supply issue (think not as I get 2oz each time I express and I know she pulls out more than that) or a latch issue (BF consultant couldn't see an issue though) or if she just doesn't like BF or she's just a really really hungry baby, who knows!!!

Going to have oats for brekkie. Apparently that's good for supply. Going to keep the morning top up in there if she fusses. I don't want a miserable baby because I'm too stubborn to give up BF! It's so lovely to see her content.

Sorry about the ramble, not really SW related is it!!

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From my midwife point of view I think there's a lot that's happened in a short space of time and things just need to settle.

As her tongue tie hasn't long been cut she is still learning how to use it, kinda like going back to being a newborn learning all over again.

With using formula it does fill them up as they need more to get a similar nutritional content as a breast feed so she will need less breast milk to get what she needs. She's just used to being full in the way formula makes them full if you know what I mean. Kinda like we feel stuffed after a massive pizza but soup and salad would have sufficed.

One thing I tell mum's who mix or top up is that when you give the top up, your body doesn't know your baby has had the extra so will still supply less that she is demanding. One way to get round that is to also express when you do that.

Another thing to do would be 24 hours of 2 hourly breastfeeding/expressing. That way the increased demand will increase supply. You could also start switching a formula bottle for an expressed bottle and gradually build up to just giving breast milk in whatever form it takes.

I'd say stick with it a bit longer as her tongue tie has just been done and you've just joined a new group. Get some support going and see if things improve.

But don't kill yourself over it!
Your one strong mummy!

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Thanks both.

Yes LO83 I suppose you are quite right, a lot has been going on and I may just need to be a little more patient for it to all calm down.

I'm so tired in the night that I'm currently feeding her BF/expressing for about 15-20 minutes then topping with a bottle. I don't think I could do that, then a bottle and then express.

When you say 24 hrs of 2 hourly feeding, do you mean set an alarm and express two hourly in the night too?

Appreciate the advice, thank you xx

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I would do it in the night too yes. A knackering 24 hours but should get your supply up.

She may also be crying for other reasons other than hunger. A friends baby went through a period of just crying, for no reason she could fathom. She too thought she didn't have enough but this little lady is thriving.

Have faith x
Yeah maybe I'll wait till the OH is off work. I'm doing it alone at the moment and I'm terrible on no sleep!!

I'd love to think this is a phase of random crying but she's always been like it. Nappy changed before every feed, feed, burp, cuddles, still screaming! We are starting to get a very small window where she is awake and not crying. This being mainly when she's had a bottle!!!

I'll keep trying but not sure how long I'll go on for, I don't think I'll ever be exclusively BF though

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