Petite people who are on slimming world to stay healthy

8st 2 3/4 this morning so hopefully I can keep it going, still unsure where the gain I deserve has gone though!
Lucky lol when I went on holiday for one week I gained 5 pounds but i was down 3 pounds the week after so was mostly just bloat, I'm trying to get into the 7's now for the first time in my life and all I want to do this very second is eat everything in sight, come in willpower u can do this lol
Yeah me too, I always wanted to see 7 even if it is 7.13!

Remind me of your height again?

I saw 7.13 last Friday for a little while but I was extra good for my night out so that didnt last long atall, I'm 5'2
This was from last night ha midget


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Ooo so at 5.2 and 7.13 what would your bmi be? As I'm only 4.11 at 7.13 mines still not low, I'd love to lose a bit more but it's not coming off the right places anymore ;)
Ooo so at 5.2 and 7.13 what would your bmi be? As I'm only 4.11 at 7.13 mines still not low, I'd love to lose a bit more but it's not coming off the right places anymore ;)

I have no idea? Nah that happens with me my body shapes not made to be straight up and down thin I have meaty hips tummy and legs etc which I don't mind but being short I can't carry off excess weight or I look like an Oompa Loompa lmao
Sounds like weve all had good weekends!! Lol. I have drank fri/ sat and will finish off my bottle of wine tonight! Whoooops! Heres too a 100% week! I dont have much planned over the next few weeks tho except for a family bbq so need something to aim for!
Sounds like weve all had good weekends!! Lol. I have drank fri/ sat and will finish off my bottle of wine tonight! Whoooops! Heres too a 100% week! I dont have much planned over the next few weeks tho except for a family bbq so need something to aim for!

I've been a right gutsy mare today! That 2lb will defo be bk on & more lol. I was saying the same thing today 2 hubby about being in the 7's even if I'm only just into them. Good luck 4 the coming wk girls. Hoping 2 be 8.5 on thurs before I go down the caravan again.
I'm gutted .. Weight myself after 5 solid days been to the gym everyday and lost nothing not even a pound ! :( so frustrating when you work your ass of and get no results . I'm gonna weigh in again tomorrow just incase its water retention or something fingers crossed !
I'm gutted .. Weight myself after 5 solid days been to the gym everyday and lost nothing not even a pound ! :( so frustrating when you work your ass of and get no results . I'm gonna weigh in again tomorrow just incase its water retention or something fingers crossed !

Aww that sucks! I remember going 2 the gym 3 times a wk for 4wks not long after having my youngest. I lost b***** all 2! I took b4 & after photos though & my body had definitely changed shape. Maybe u gained a bit of muscle? Hang in there u might have a good loss next wk. I gained again as expected from my naughty weekend lol. I was 8.6 Friday & after dancing all night & alcohol induced dehydration I was 8.4 Saturday morning. Yesterday I was up to 8.7. Not gonna sweat it though cuz it will be back to 8.6 again in the next few days.
Yeh I think I'm just gonna stay positive and keep trying .. It's easy to get disheartened but giving up isn't gonna make me thin! Sounds like you had a good night you'll soon get back to 8.6 .. Can't wait till I'm there to!! X
Lol i usually don't its just that I have 5 weeks off work for the school holidays so thought I may aswel use the time wisely as there's bugger all else to do and my other half is at work all day . As soon as I go back to work its gonna be a struggle to motivate myself as I work til 6pm.
I found a photo from holiday last week, I didn't know hubby was taking it so please don't laugh at the expression!

Ha ha, yes it's on a bank so it's in my favour! Thanks though, have to admit for the first time when I saw it I actually thought wow, I do look petite for once!

Your welcome ;o) I was just sat here wondering what we all weighed at our biggest? I was just under 10st after having my last baby. It was so depressing looking in the mirror at all the lumps n bumps in strange places lol. 20lbs down & I feel so much better about myself. Ideally I'd like it 2 be 2st.
Your welcome ;o) I was just sat here wondering what we all weighed at our biggest? I was just under 10st after having my last baby. It was so depressing looking in the mirror at all the lumps n bumps in strange places lol. 20lbs down & I feel so much better about myself. Ideally I'd like it 2 be 2st.

I went to 10st 5 at one point and I haven't even had children lol! It was when I was on the pill in beginning of 2010 worst time of my life I didn't even realise I was that big until i had to squeeze into my clothes, and only when I looked back at pictures when I realised I was A huge bloated mess, I will never go back to being that big on my own terms, my next goal is to be 7st10 hopefully soon :) x