PET'S CORNER - for all those with furry friends..

this is my last post on this thread.

my beloved Jacob went to heaven tonight.
i held him over my shoulder like hes loves to be carried
he put his head in the crook of my neck and went to sleep
god bless
this is my last post on this thread.

my beloved Jacob went to heaven tonight.
i held him over my shoulder like hes loves to be carried
he put his head in the crook of my neck and went to sleep
god bless

Dear Jo,

I am so very, very sorry to hear that Jacob has not made it.

You did everything that was humanly possible for him, no one could do anymore than what you have done.

My heart goes out to you for we all know what Jacob meant to you...he was very special and more than just a cat at the end of the day, he was indeed Your very special Jacob that we have all grown to love him over the weeks as we fought each battle with him through your wonderful writings of his day to day struggle to overcome all his difficulties and such a brave battle he put up.

I was so sure he would make it as he had coped so well with his missing leg and he was not for letting it slow him down one bit.

Thank you Jo so much for sharing Jacob with us and we will always remember him as a brave fighter who fought the good fight but sadly it was not enough at the end.

I do believe in Heaven and I do believe Jacob is there, for I can not think of a Heaven without our loved ones and our darling pets as well.

Sending hugs and love Jo and please know that we are thinking about you at this time.

Love Mini xxx
[SIZE=+1]Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Jo I am so sorry that Jacob has lost his brave fight.

Take comfort in his last few days and the fact he knew you loved and cared for him.

There was nothing more that could be done and he peacefully went off to sleep.

Give his brother an extra cuddle tonight because he too will grieve and miss him and will need your love to help him get over this.

Sorry to hear about Jacob :( xx

I'm so so sorry darling. I can't find the words to try and comfort you, and maybe you can't be comforted at the moment by anything.

You know that we're all here for you anytime.
i decided to write one final post, as the final chapter of Jacobs diary.

thankyou for all your lovely words and sentiments. ive read them and felt quite choked that you all care so much

i never thought a group of people ive never met could be so kind. i would love to meet you all sometime.

we buried Jacob yesterday evening. it was very sad, but in a strange way

we decided to put him to rest in the garden of 'HalfAcre' a cottage in the country where i grew up. its so quiet down there, its right out in the country, all you can hear is birds, and across the stream rabbits and
pheasants are out in the fields. we put him there, because that house will
always remain in the family, it will never be sold, so Jacob will always be

mum and stepdad (malc) where there, and me and stevie (my hubby).

Malc dug a lovely grave in the gardens, under a big oak tree, close to the stream and overlooking the meadow where i used to keep my pony when i was
younger. and i laid Jaob in, and stroked him, and then we all put some earth on his body, and covered him over. we planted snowdrops in the earth,
and some little white cyclemens on top of him. at a glance the big patch of white cyclemens looks like him curled up asleep under the tree.

i put a copy of Rainbow bridge with him. and we both wrote a few little words and put that in with him too.

then we watched the bunnies running across the meadow, and stevie said,
theryre running cause ghost cats are chasing them....and we all laughed

i feel, strangely calm. stevie said it was 'closure'

i found a whisker on the stair yesterday, im not sure who it belongs to, but
ive kept it in my jewellery box.

ive managed to sleep quite well. mum dispersed glenfiddick in my cup of tea, and when i got home i had a few vodkas.

my eyes are watery but my face is smiling as i think of him

What a touching and special way to say goodbye to Jacob. You described it all so clearly and with such feeling Jo, that I felt I was stood there next to you darling.

My thoughts are with
Hi I have 2 cats tigger is a crossbreed and cleo who is siamese. Then there are the 2 hamsters fudge and little bill, oh and 6 fish.
a year on.
the time has passed so quickly, i cant belive a year has gone already.
the white cyclamen we planted are just budding into flower again

time does heal. but it took me a long time to stop the tears. i still love him. i still think of him everyday.

i have a little collection of figurines now, when ever i see a white cat with black patches on i buy one to add to my collection.

Tango his brother has changed temperment. he talks more. i say hello to him and he meaows back. he lays beside the bed on the floor ( jacob used to lie next to me in bed) he likes his tummy to be rubbed. and he sits on my desk when im typing.

just thought i would update this post.
thanks to everyone for listening and helping me last year
I have 4pet chickens (see in new post titled My chickens) but i used to have a staffy called Casey who was everything to me. Unfortunately my ex stole her off me and i can never see her again but there isnt a day that goes by where i dont miss her lil face or wonder if she misses me...
my lil baby...

