Photographic height/weight chart UPDATED

Thanks for posting the link.
Really useful! I've always been big and had no idea what a 12st person of my height would look like... turns out they look slimmer than I thought! :D
I think it defo shows how different people are, some of the people who are 10lbs lighter and just an inch smaller look bigger (5ft7 170lbs vs 5ft8 180lbs)??
Thanks for all the comments! :)

It really is a useful chart. And people are adding pictures to the chart all the time, so you can always check back to see if someone has submitted a pic for a height/weight combo that's currently blank.
its so interesting to see this - I've just looked at the photo's of people at my start weight & height and people at my now W&H and for both I thought/think I look much bigger than those people.

I know everyone carries their weight differently, but it's nice to see that I'm probabaly not at big as I think I am.
Thanks so much for the link. Looking at the chart I'm starting to realise I wasn't as big as I'd thought when I was a "normal" weight.
its interesting for comparison, but clearly people of the same height and weight can look very different, due to frame size, muscle mass, fitness and fat distribution...
nice tool :) much nicer and easier to take in than numbers
Thanks found this helpful.
I thought the girl who is the same hight & weight as I am now, looked really nice!
Its so odd because I dont feel like that about myself.
Ty for posting that, Christiana. I first looked at the pics for women between 8 and 9st, one girl was about 8st 13lbs and looked really good but I also thought the girl who was 12st 2lbs looked pretty good also and a more realistic target for me to achieve. Unfortunately I've always been apple shaped and I am not sure that can be changed.
Fantastic website, thank you so much for the link. You can't just ask people "you my height? how much do you weigh?". Was lovely to look at some of the people who are near my goal weight as well. Fantastic motivation!
Fantastic link. It's amazing to look at what my before looked like on someone else, and also to visibly see where I am going to.


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I had seen this before and was recently trying to search for it, so thank you for posting!
Fab link, especially for motivation. Thankyou. :)
thanks for the link - so good to see where i am and how i might look when i get to goal - also encouraged me that my goal is not all that far off!
cheers hun x