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AGIAN!!lol. more progress pics comming up. i usually post them in diary forum for a picture diary for me to refer back to for motavation, but i feel like a success today after all my hard work, So i'm posting my pics here!!! i finally feel a little comfortable in my body!:D


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Looking good girl!! :D Hope that's me soon:):):)

Lacey ..xx :)
You look fab, no wonder you're happy!
Congrats on your success,,,,:) btw you have a really sexy butt.!!!!
LOLOLO, thanks Pinkdiamond. my booty has not ruduce in size but it has gotton firmer from all those squats and lunges. they sure do burn:eek:

Oh hell yeah,,, I had a session with my trainer tonight and I was doing bulgarian split lunges eek total killer lol.xx
what are those? i want to increase my intensity of workouts and have taken to doing the squats and lunges with some dumbells. i also started doing deadlifts recently and i all i can say is...:eek::cry::eek:

Oh yeah they are killer,,, bulgarian squats are when you rest your one foot,,(toes only) on the edge of the bench thingy,, then get in a lunge position and squat down on one leg with your hand on your hips. Hope that makes sense lol. I had to do 15 with each leg.:cry:But its worth the agony:girlpower:xxx
Hey just noticed you are from Texas,, I used to live in Houston when I was little. Hoping to emigrate to the good ole USofA asap. Im a nurse so on the B scedule for a green card. Just hope to pass the frigging tests they make you do.llo fingers crossed.xx
I think that the British economy stinks worse tho lol. Plus the added bonus of better weather would certainly help.:D (Hoping to move to Calafornia). xx
i've heard that inflation hit you guys overseas too!:cry:

yeah if you want better weather, Texas is just too hot in my opinion. i will prbly be moving soon as well for school. New York City baby!!! whoo hooo.:cool:

Omg you're soooooo lucky,, I love NYC,,, im such a SATC girl. Ive been one before and loved it so much. Which school are you going to,,and what you gonna major in?xx