Pig in the city!

Sounds like you are getting control of this one. I would print them off and stick them on the fridge! :)
Yup yup, back in the zone and ready for some big losses! Xx
Any tips for late night low feelings ladies?
Go to bed - hot bath, bubbles and then early night, with a warm drink and read a book
OH just came home from the pub woth a massive bouquet of flowers. What a wonderful man he is :)
Weigh in today and i am feeling ok about it my scales say four pound koss which is fine considering the month i have had.
Brill day so far. I have tidied the bedroom, had my wiegh in, been to visit our new cat, managed a trip to lidl for OH weekly shop AND brought a laptop. Woop woop.Now my entries should actually make sense instead of being predicted by my stupid mobile.

Also I managed a seven pound weight loss today which is fab for the first restart weigh in.

Normally I would be stressing out right now about the weekend and all but this action packed day has given me no time to think about all the food n booze I would normally be shoving down my cake hole.

My plan for this evening is to read four chapters of various uni stuff and then play The Sims 3 or watch the Tree of Life.

Has anyone seen it? I have read some rubbish reviews but it has such a great cast....
Thats really good - 7 lbs loss since when? I am so jealous, I have lost one pound since last saturday and thats wavering.
I lost it since Saturday but dont be jelous its because you are teeny tiny now and there is hardly any weight to loose, whereas I am a large round ball of flubber who binged may aswell have eaten an entire Turkey over crimbo and flollopped onto the scales last week so its all water weight really but good motivation to work harder next week. ;)

Look how close you are to your goal, its supposed to slow down around that point otherwise you might dissapear all together xx
Would a pic of my lovely new Mindy cheer you up a fellow cat lover?
What laptop did you eventually go for? Does Sims 3 play on it ok? :)
Yes - lets see a photo of your lovely new housemate. My cat is currently lying sprawled in front of the fire, roasting herself.

I have been naughty tonight - OH and I were getting stressed, so we allowed ourselves a little treat. He chose chips, and I chose a nice drink of Disaranno and coke. No loss for me this week!
Hey Cat,

I had a look at the ones you recommend but they were all out of stock :(

So I got this one instead as a friend told me it was a good deal for the money. What do you think?

Buy ASUS X54H-SX105V | 15.6" LAPTOP - Laptops | Comet

As far as I was aware it had pretty good specks (especially considering that my budget had shrunk to £350)

Sadly I don't think it will play the Sims (even though they said it would be fine) as it hasn't got a separate memory card. Hey ho that probably better for my dissertation prospects anyway, I am slightly obsessive when it comes to certain computer games ;)

How ya feeling?
Hehe! yeah, the integrated graphics will mean you'll have to play it on a lower setting, but it should still work if you turn it down to low, take of shadows, reflections etc :)

Will defo do the trick for studying!

Feeling a bit better actually. Drowning myself in water to try and make up for the food, but hoping it was just want i needed to try and shift this. :)
Mindy, the new stealth cat.

So, we went to see her today in the horrid flat that she is currently living in. We got the whole story as well and she has been really badly treated. The man that had locked her in had been emptying food straight onto the floor and leaving all the blinds closed so she was not just locked in but in complete darkness. She is so affectionate consider what she has been through. A real little character!

The photo isn't great because the lady was holding her quite strangely...

P.S I am massively jealous of your booze and fire combo!


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Aw she is stunning.

I honestly dont understand how people can be so cruel. Having said that, I work with a bunch of animal haters, which really irritates me. They all esp hate cats. Bunch of retards.
She is lovely - she look just like my first cat (now my dads).

I don't know why people are so cruel. A friend posted a pic on fb today of a dog who's muzzle had been blown off by kids shoving fireworks in its mouth and taping it in. Poor thing is still alive but has no face. I am not a dog lover but any animal cruelty - I just don't get it.

My cat is super spoilt - although she is no longer allowed to sleep upstairs. We had to stop her when the kids were babies, as they were in out room and we had to worry about her getting in the cot. And then I discovered how much more sleep I get when she is not sleeping by my ear or chasing my hand around trying to get me to stroke her in the middle of the night. Apart from that though, she just spends all day on pillows sleeping, and conning extra meals out of the in-laws and the kids.
Glad your feeling better Claire,

Sounds like you didn't even have a protein snack!

The man who was doing it actually had three cats at home as well which I found hard to contemplate.

The whole cat hating thing is strange isn't it. My ex was from Nigeria and he used to think the cats were evil. That was until he met and started living with one, then he fell in love.

I think Cat haters all need to spend one evening in the company of a lovely fluffy lap cat, see how long they keep the act up.

lol! I have the flu and needed comfort food! lol! But, I only ate chicken and lamb tikka with salad, so full of protein!!! Cant say there wouldnt have been carbs in the marinade, but I'm hoping not enough to kick me out ketosis!

Its made me feel a bit better tho, so going to hopefully sleep off the rest of this evilness and wake up bright and breeze to a nice choc tetra :D
Today I fancy my scales. The sexy mothers are showing a two pound weight loss over night, and I had an SS+ meal last night.

If I make it to 13'2 by next Saturday (currently 13'7 so there is everything to play for!) Then I think I will be perfectly happy staying on a blend of SS and SS+ for the duration as that would actually be two pound more than my two weeks strictly SSing :D

I think for me it is the best way to sort out my food daemons. I have always had a really bad relationship with food and adding in those green and white meals is helping me understand portion control and how much I was eating before.

Mindy, our new cat is having a nervous look around the flat.She is very nervous but I'm sure that will pass!