Pig Needs a Name

Perhaps he's gay! :p

Could beeeeeeeeeeeeee, he's a happy bunny anyhow sat there each evening just listening to me & OH chat on about how we keep feeding him, lol
Could beeeeeeeeeeeeee, he's a happy bunny anyhow sat there each evening just listening to me & OH chat on about how we keep feeding him, lol

So let's see, you have a Russian pig (with googly eyes) without a girlfriend who might possibly be gay (but then he clearly isn't in a closet so who knows), and who appears to have a rabbit-related identity crisis and probably an overeating issue as well? Poor little Boris, talk about a complicated existence!!!
So let's see, you have a Russian pig (with googly eyes) without a girlfriend who might possibly be gay (but then he clearly isn't in a closet so who knows), and who appears to have a rabbit-related identity crisis and probably an overeating issue as well? Poor little Boris, talk about a complicated existence!!!

Well when you put it like that, yep he does, seems like he'll fit in well with us then:D