PiiNK PunKs Randomings [[DIARY + OT]] 2009-Wenever Baybeee!! =D.

Hi Piink :wavey:,

I just wanted to say, you are an awesome inspiration! I think what you have achieved is sometimes taken for granted in the sense that sometimes, only people who have had weight issues can truly appreciate the battle we go through.

I think your story is great because, unlike what I've read in mags or come accross on TV, this place allows for us to see what you went through day-to-day, a realistic view that it's not just diets or cutting food groups or all good days. A real lifestyle overhaul...and to see how you've come out on the other side is truly amazing....to put it into perspective you've lost my dad in pounds! Seriously, it's stories like yours that give me faith that this can be overcome. Well done!

I also wanted to pick your brain a little :) eating wise. I know you must've gotten these questions a gazillion times :eek:, but since you've never followed any particular diet, how did you regulate your food (besides counting fat grams)? For example, did you set yourself portion sizes, give up sugar etc.? I know the exercise helped you...did you join a gym right away or did you start on your own?

*end of fangirling session* :D
:DKiira...the last time we spoke properly you were trying to get into the thirteen stone bracket....d'ya remember 'into the teens for halloween' back in Oct? And here we are and you are a couple of lbs of TEN STONE!!! When did THAT happen lol.

Whats brought me here is your FB pic tattoo, with the date 25-5-10....am i to assume that since you last posted, you may have reached the 10 stone goal on that date??

You have been consistently in the zone since day 1 and i take my hat of to you sweetie. I still need to come and live with you and be my personal trainer?!

Ive said it before and i say it again....what you have done is FANTABULOUS and you really do ROCK chick! My thinspiration xxx
here here!!!! what flabbybumbum said!!!
Heya Everyone..

Heya all my xenical family :)

heres a few pics (including a pic of the arm skin to show you i kno i said i wouldnt until at target propa but heres a skin piccy to show you yes i have loose skin but its better then fat and when the loose skin gets taken away i reckon my arms gunna be tiny woohoooo.. does depress me some days though..)

And my new baby?? TATTOO!!!

i had a new tattoo on my neck yep i know crazy place but it is for a huge goalpost in my life and seeing it in the mirror every time i get ready for teh day will inspire me to make the best choices everyday.. its a heart all bandaged up meaning once was delicate but still very string and secure.... and out of the hearts is flowing spirally ghostlike music notes... I LOVE MUSIC and without music my journey wouldnt have been so easy.. music in teh gym , music walking , music exercise classes like my hip hop.. music exercise dvds and dance dance revoulution on the wii... and now jogging and running with music... AND the date on the tatt when i hit ten stone my ultimate dream goal .. i never thought id make it but i did..

:) im doing realy well.. i dont feel quite there due to skin issues but these will one day be sorted.. i would like to hit 9 stone before surgery if im honest with myself... then i reckon i will truely be happy... but i reckon that once u have a battle with weight you will always have in it your mind , the same fears and emotions maybe they wont be as aparent after some time but i think ill always be a fat person in my mind.... not that thats a bad thing if anything it will steer me to make better choices...

hope everyones okay and doing fine....you all know where i am if you need me...

love kiira xx



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Hi Pinki, nice to hear from you love, you're looking good sweetheart. :)
Piink, you are such an inspiration for all of us to keep going!!!!
loose skin or not, you have done such an amazing thing changing your life around, and i am constantly looking at your piccies (on fb) getting inspiration for me to keep goin!!!

could i ask... you have mentioned toning.... what is this, and where could i go to do it???
Just found your page (from an earlier post on Atkins) -- needed to congratulate you on your wonderful weightloss journey -- truley a thinspiration...thank you for being courageous to share you journey with us !!
Piink, you are such an inspiration for all of us to keep going!!!!
loose skin or not, you have done such an amazing thing changing your life around, and i am constantly looking at your piccies (on fb) getting inspiration for me to keep goin!!!

could i ask... you have mentioned toning.... what is this, and where could i go to do it???
Kes ...i think they are toning 'beds' where you lie on them and they move to work different muscles, i might be wrong:confused: I think they are sometimes called toning tables?
PiinK you are amazing and look amazing! Your life is a movie! What is VLCD (liprotrim)? I don't mind googling it. I have about 7 stones and a half to lose. I've already lost over 2 stones in 2 months which I'm very happy about. I hope to lose 1 stone a month. Could that be done? or does it get more difficult the slimmer you become?

Week 1-4: 17.5lbs Week 4-8: 14lbs
thanks for the bump kes :) i havent updated this for a while but i shall sooon just doing a stack of cleaning at the mo x argghhh x
just been reading you amazing story and wanted to post this so it's bumped back to the first page so I can refer to it again for inspiration when needed!

I think I am going to ask the doctor for xenical when I see him in 10 days, that will be my 6 weeks check up after having my baby and I want to regain control of my weight, something that got out of hand during pregnancy. Thanks for this thread, hoping it will help motivate me! x
your very welcome , thanks for bumping it up its giving me motivation to post again i havent in a while , i now have two jobs and try and fit life in the middle of them not easy lol. but im very well and im still maintaining. so life is good.

let me know how you get on at the doctors. xx
Oooohhhh she is back... Xxx come poo in more often xxx
Pop.... woops! Hehehe...

I'm ok... getting more annoyed at myself than ever! But, I'm ok.... need new motivations.... just don't know what.
Good to see you're still doing well!!!

Have you got a date for surgery?
Hi Kiira, I've already posted on your other (tummy tuck) thread as it caught my eye and I was truly inspired and wanted to read more!! I've just read your story and am now even more in awe of you and what you've acheived!! The funny thing is that although your weight loss is just STAGGERING and incredibly inspiring, the thing that stands out the most to me is your attitude!! All those awful things you went through in your life (and you're only young now!) and you're not feeling sorry for yourself or using any of that as an excuse!! Many people are bitter about their past and waste the rest of their lifes as twisted and lazy people but you have become so pro-active and are building a better life for yourself and I'm sure you are an example to so many people! You have certainly made me think today about all the trivial things I whinge about when I should be counting my blessings!!X
hey everyone :) here i am 7 weeks out from my tummytuck surgery and i got into size 8 jeans i could never wear size 8 jeans before as i had so much loose skin and flaps lol.. now i can =D still waiting for some swelling to go down but happy with results now im 8 stone 3lbs amazing just amazing x