Silver Member
Emma - Thanks. Yeh, when I first started this whole thing I was just going for walks pretty much, it's surprising how good they are actually. I might go for one in a min.
Bon - hoping the bank holiday weather stays good...although it doesnt make much difference to me as I don't work or anything, lol. Just means that town is going to be reeeeeeallllly busy on Monday. What you going to do for it?
Lynn - I go to fitness first and on their treadmills I put it up to 9 for a jog/run type thing. I walk at speed 5.5ish. You should try it. I can only do it for like a minute (or 40 secs sometimes) but I was shocked how relatively easy it is...for the first 30 seconds anyway. The crosstrainer is knackering, but once you break the pain barrier at like 7 mins it's fine, they do make my feet go numb though.
Healthy - Thanks
Glad to share the hillarity, lol.
Minusfour - Good haul man! I keep on thinking that I should be starting to buy Christmas pressies soon, it comes so fast! I havent read anything by the Mitfords no, I'll have to look them up.
Sorry I havent been on like all week. We got a call on Sunday night saying that my uncle, his wife and their three kids were cutting their camping trip short and were going to stay with us for a few days and that they'd arrive Monday morning. Well, our house if a building site at the moment, there's walls missing and everything, so you can imagine what a mission it was to make it toddler friendly!
Luckily the kids were awesome, really sweet and relatively easy to amuse so it wasn't so bad.
Bad news is, I haven't been to the gym alllll week! And I've been eating really badly these past couple of days. I weighed myself on Wednesday and had lost 2lbs from last WI, but weighed myself today and had gone up a pound from that, and then this evening we had fish and chips from the chippy for dinner!
It's been my first really bad week since I started, normally I just have a couple of bad days and still go to the gym.
Oh well, I'm expecting (hoping for) a sts this week. I'll have to get my arse in gear next week!
Also have to get my butt on here regularly again, it really does help. I doubt that I would have been nearly so naughty this week if I'd been coming on here like usual...
Oh well. Will make myself go to the gym in the morning. Might go for a walk in a minute now actually.
Hope that you all enjoy your bank holiday weekends!
Bon - hoping the bank holiday weather stays good...although it doesnt make much difference to me as I don't work or anything, lol. Just means that town is going to be reeeeeeallllly busy on Monday. What you going to do for it?
Lynn - I go to fitness first and on their treadmills I put it up to 9 for a jog/run type thing. I walk at speed 5.5ish. You should try it. I can only do it for like a minute (or 40 secs sometimes) but I was shocked how relatively easy it is...for the first 30 seconds anyway. The crosstrainer is knackering, but once you break the pain barrier at like 7 mins it's fine, they do make my feet go numb though.
Healthy - Thanks
Minusfour - Good haul man! I keep on thinking that I should be starting to buy Christmas pressies soon, it comes so fast! I havent read anything by the Mitfords no, I'll have to look them up.
Sorry I havent been on like all week. We got a call on Sunday night saying that my uncle, his wife and their three kids were cutting their camping trip short and were going to stay with us for a few days and that they'd arrive Monday morning. Well, our house if a building site at the moment, there's walls missing and everything, so you can imagine what a mission it was to make it toddler friendly!
Luckily the kids were awesome, really sweet and relatively easy to amuse so it wasn't so bad.
Bad news is, I haven't been to the gym alllll week! And I've been eating really badly these past couple of days. I weighed myself on Wednesday and had lost 2lbs from last WI, but weighed myself today and had gone up a pound from that, and then this evening we had fish and chips from the chippy for dinner!
It's been my first really bad week since I started, normally I just have a couple of bad days and still go to the gym.
Oh well, I'm expecting (hoping for) a sts this week. I'll have to get my arse in gear next week!
Also have to get my butt on here regularly again, it really does help. I doubt that I would have been nearly so naughty this week if I'd been coming on here like usual...
Oh well. Will make myself go to the gym in the morning. Might go for a walk in a minute now actually.
Hope that you all enjoy your bank holiday weekends!