Heya guys! It's been a busy week! I don't think I've even cracked the lid on the laptop.
Well good news out first, I've somehow managed to lose another 2lbs, literally no idea how as I've been totally rubbish and eaten loads of junk. I'm going to attribute it to work in the evenings.
So, I have 3 weeks to lose the remaining 8lbs, which I don't think will happen, but I'll be happy just being close to 13st for my b'day.
Other good news, I can do sie 16 jeans up! They look minging on, and I have the worst case of muffin top ever, but I can do them up!
I'm in that annoying stage where the size 18s are too big and I have to wear a belt, but I'm not quite into the 16s well enough to be able to wear them in public.
How is everyone? Been up to much?
Thanks Barb

How are you doing? I'll pop and check your diary in a min.
Ahoy Bon, how's the job hunt going?
Sparkly - thanks

I'd suggest waiting until summer to get your foot tattoo, wearing those little doll shoe things in the winter is not my idea of a good time, and you have to wear them for like a week while the tat heals up a bit.
It didn't hurt too badly, more stung than anything, but my friends can tell you that I'm not a very reliable reference, I quite like the feeling, whereas my mate was crying like a sissy, lol.
Hope - yeh going out is a bit of a pain, but if it's not too often then, like Barb said, it's not going to do too much damage. Even salads are packed with calories when you eat out nowdays.
Well it's reading week, so no classes, I do have loads of work to do though, and I haven't started it yet, so I really should get cracking, lol.