Pink - Tripping on pebbles rather than climbing mountains

Thanks guys, I am feeling a lot better now, was a tad upset (as you can probably tell) when we first got home. That could be partly due to the bit of cheesecake I had though...eep...only a really tiny bit, like less than an inch slice, was sooooo good though, worth not having a proper dinner for, lol.

Yeh the book is awesome, and on amazon it's a penny!! plus like 2 quid postage, but still...
Jemima J: Jane Green: Books

Right, I'm printing out a load of recipes now, tomorrow I'm going to asda and buying everything I need and then I'm having a massive cooking sesh n then freezing everything so I have 'ready meals' for the next week or so :)
It means that everyone can start eating their normal meals and I'll just have my little low fat one in the corner, lol.

QotD I think in our case accepting yourself means loving who you are but accepting that you need to change in order to survive, lol. Lets try and avoid those heart food is minging, lol.

rahhh xxx (hyper - the cheesecake is probably the most sugar I've had in days)
lmao, yeah, i cant afford a heart attack coz the food is so damn bad, lol, a true fat persons way of thinking i guess ;) damn, i know i joke about it, but the scary reality is that if i wasnt doing this then thats what id be putting myself out their for in the future, heart disease, diabetes, increased chance of stroke and early death - nice.

know what you mean about hyper from sugar, when i had a milkybar last week i was on cloud 9 for a few hours and bouncing off the walls, which in my size is hazardous to structural integrity, haha.

ooh and i may have to order that book tomorrow then, even i can stretch to a couple of quid! :)
'hazardous to structural integrity', OMG YOU JUST MADE MY FREAKING NIGHT, honest to god nearly snorted water over the keyboard!

Yeh tis a good book, I love amazon, a penny for a book, tres awesome, lol.

seriously, you made my night. x
haha, glad i made ya laugh hun :) its pretty funny actually, because it reminds me when im in those big lifts in libraries and hospitals and what not, they say something like "max weight 600kg, 12 people" and i'm like DAMN, i'm at least 120kg so if 12 do actually get in here we're all gonna die and it'll be my fault for eating too much curry! :D

hmm.. what the HELL am i doing up at 7am? im gonna go for a swim i think while im feeling all motivated, catch ya later x
Have fun swimming Queenofthedamned!

Oh an Emz you better post some of your new meals! lol :) Kirsty xx
So, I'm gona have a whinge. I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself, lol.

We just went out for dinner at Strada (Italian) for mum's birthday. I was looking for something healthy on the menu and there wasnt really anything in the dinner section, so I decided to have a starter instead. The only even vaguely healthy thing there was king prawns in chilli sauce and a slice of grilled (read horribly burnt) italian bread stuff that I cant remember the name of.
The prawns still had eyes, and legs, etc. Had to shell them at the table. Also, apparently I really don't like king prawns.
So whilst everyone else was tucking into their creamy rissotto or plate sized pizza that's what I was eating....

I did however have a slither of bday cake, and I'm planning a slither of birthday cheesecake later.

Whine over...

How's everyone else doing? x

I'm going to have the exact same problem this comin Saturday, going for a meal with some friends for an 18th birthday, im dreading it tbh! But I know if i just try and find a salad and a fruit desert ill be okay! lol :) The dread of temptation still lingers though! I hope I can be as strong as you were!! xx
Wow Pink you are doing so well, are you enjoying it? Have you found some good recipes to try? I like salads - not boring lettuce ones, but moroccon cous cous and indian chat salad, they are tasty and filling
Feeling like you're suffering at the Italian and eating frozen meals you don't like as much as everyone else's food is a really bad move. Dont resent your diet Pink!, it's much harder that way. Find food you love that isn't full of calories. (Hint: there will be loads!).
QotD - 7am??? Bloomin' 'eck, I haven't seen that hour of the day in about 2 years, lol! Well done for the swimming though.

Kirsty - I failed horribly, lol, didn't go shopping in the end, I promise to put up some recipes when I do though! Today I just made pasta with sauce (tin of tomatos, some mushrooms, some red pepper, sweetcorn and an oxo cube).

AimeeLu -oo good luck, yeh hopefully there'll be a nice salad there for you :) I'm sure you'll be strong enough lovely, it's not worth the 5 hours of running's worth of calories for one meal, lol. x

shrinkingannie - oo they sound amazing...what are they? lol. I overdid the salad in the first couple of days so I'm slightly over it, but i was just having boring lattuce cucumer and tomato, i might hvae to find something to spice it up a bit :)

DaveC - yeh, tis a good point. I wont be eating food i hate though with regards to the frozen meals, it's just that with a teenage boy in the house meals tend to involve a lot of chips and fried meats, so I'll just eat something else. Thanks for the advice though, I am defo going to be looking up some tastier foods!
I've heard that quavers only have like 80 calories a bag, so I'm tempted to get those as my little snack treat.

How is everyone anyway?

I've been rubbish these past couple of days, haven't done any exercise, really must get off my arse n do something, tis pure laziness that I havent. Have been eating pretty well though, so I spose it's not been too bad.

What does everyone do for exercise? I can't afford the gym & I'm allergic to swimming. I've just been going on walks and having a bounce on my trampoline...


oh! Jemima J, the book, I'm rereading it at the moment, the character isn't as hugely overweight as I had originally thought, she's 15st, but I think that the story's still pretty good, and it's all about her quest to lose weight.

I have a mini trampoline too :) How about exercise DVDs? You can pick them up pretty cheaply, especially second-hand. You might find you get bored quickly but once you've picked up some tips from the exercises in them then you could do them to your own choice of music :)
Good plan, I like that, amazon here I come :)
I've not used many but I like the '30 Day Shred' DVD if you can find that, I think it was about £6 when I bought it, but there are loads you can get cheaper than that in the 'marketplace' :)
Oh right awesome, just looked it up, it's still 6quid, so I'll see how my funds go.

Just finished reading Jemima J, it's not as inspirational as I remember but it's still a pretty good read, and I got through it in 2 days, so it's not all that long or anything.

Still being a bit crap, not done much exercise, did probably 15-20 mins on the trampoline, and that's it.

Have stuck to the healthy eating though, had granola for breakfast, a wholemeal pitta for lunch and made a spnnish chicken caserole thing for dinner with a load of veg, (the homepride spanish chicken sauce only has like 70 calories, yay, just added mushrooms and sweetcorn to the sauce itself with the chicken obv and had veg on the side).

Did just treat myself to strawberries and icecrem though, it was low calorie icecream however, so it wasnt tooooo bad.

Really will do some exercise tomorrow, we're moving a load of furniture up a flight of stairs...

Back to cardiff for the day on Friday to see uni mates that are still there, so that should be cool, must remember to withdraw toll fee actually!
well done at sticking to healthy with your food and 15 minutes on the trampoline is better than nothing hun x
You are doing really well, keep it up! I got this stretch DVD last week and locked myself in a room to try it out. At the end of each set of excercises you were meant to clap your hands, which, trying my very hardest, I did. Much to OH's great amusement I might add!
Hahaha! Amazing, must have been pretty funny to hear all of the groaning and jumping about followed by clapping.

Been up n down 1 couple of fleights of stairs a few times today, gona be walking into town in a bit, might do some trampolining later, not going for a walk today due to the ickyness of the weather.

Getting my hair cut at 6, hacking loads of it off. Then going to dye it...don't know whether to do it all pink again or to do the back a dark purply brown and the fringey bit pink...hmm...

chat later xx
ooh i think the pink looks awesome tbh, good on you for having the confidence to pull it off, i know i couldnt!
Haha thanks, I'm really liek the least confident person ever, I kinda use my hair as a shield, it's like I I have ridiuclously bright hair then people will be lookign at that rather than really *at* me, lol. But it is awesome. Redying it tonight, I think I'm going to go with pink all over. I feel as though I should really gro up n ahve a more normal colour, but every time I do it I regret it n end up havign to bleach it again.

Hairdressers in half an hour, ooo.
id love to be brave enough to have pink hair! ive been blonde for 4 years but am going to go back to brown at the end of august!
How did you go at the hairdressers? Do you have to bleach the pink out to go a normal colour? Do folk look at the pink hair much?