Thanks Ria, how;s it going with that last half a stone?
Miss Kassy - that meal thing sounds like a good idea. After Xmas I lost lbs by low fat cerial and soup in the day, and then I'd have like 700 cals left for dinner, which meant I could eat the same as everyone else. I should probably go back to doing that really...need to make soup.
The book sounds like a good idea. Why not ease yourself in by writing short stories about each thing? Then you can always go back and merge them into a book later, much less daunting than trying to hash out a whole novel in one go.
Heya Katie

Wouldn't be so sure about the good grades, just got my lowest marks ever, like ever in my history of schooling. Got a C in my journalism module! Gah! I worked so hard on it too, researching all of the politics...oh wellllllll....
How's you?
Heya Barb! How are you? The rest of your January progressing well, seeing as you've already hit your monthly target, lol.
Um, well, we've still walked to uni every day, so that's a minimum of relatively soft exercise (except for the hill!!!!!), and some days we walk to and from uni twice, if we have a break between lectures. Yesterday I walked to and from town, which is an hour of walking. So that's ok.
They were handing out free coke zeros in town, so I had one of those rather than a latte, which probably saved me like 100 cals or something.
HOWEVER, and there's always a however...I'm still not eating amazingly well. I've been sharing the cooking with my housemates, so it's hit and miss with the healthy thing. Last night we had potato and cheese pie (which is basically cheesy mash with onion in). And the night before that we scoffed niscuits when we were watching a film...not awful things, but enough to mean that I might not lose anything despite the excercise.
I think I might just need to start eating alone or something...bah.
So yehhh.....
Has anyone seen 'The Kings Speech'? I really want to see it, but I'm skint, so I'm trying to decide if it's worth it....