Heya guys, sorry I haven't been about. Went home to MoT the car, and it ended up taking a week in the garage, so I didn't get back to Cardiff until Wednesday (and of course, I left my laptop in Cardiff! so that's why I've not been around).
Met up with the guy on Thursday, for dinner and a film...didn't exactly finish watching the film, and I ended staying the night. It was a lot more comfortable this time, I decided that I couldn't be bothered to be nervous about meeting up, so we just hung out and talked.
One thing though, he keeps asking me 'what are you thinking?' and I'm like...****...'nothing', it's liekt he gender roles have been reversed.
Anyway, I think I'm meeting him again in the week.
Kirst - the engagement party sounds fab! And so does the wedding location, sounds beautiful! you buying a dress for the party? lol.
Emma - I'm well thanks, how are you doing?
downsizingmycurves - it was such a good film, I might need to go and see it again! Colin Firth, mmm.
Minus - I'm really enjoying my kindle actually, of course it's not the same as having a book, but it is handy just to have in your bag if you travel a lot or just like to pull out a book when you're out and about; they honestly dont weigh anything, it's mad! The other thing is, it doesn't hurt your hands to hold it, I ofen get cramp holding books open because of the dodgy joints in my thumb.
How's the move going?
I read a phillip marlowe book last month and it was really good, might read some more in the series. You reading Christie or something different?
Kassy - Oh thanks, i'll look into Cole then.
Um the bloke, we met up in September and Octobver a few times and then stopped talking for no reason really, just drifted. But yeh, seeing each other again

That goal sounds good, deffo need to up the exercise. I really want to join the gym again!
How's adonis?
Katierose - How's you lovely? About to go and check your diary.
Um, being at home I ate loads of rubbish, as mum has fallen completely off of the wagon and just doesn't care, and she kept on making all of my fave puddings. I didn't really exercise much eaither, aside from shovelling a tonne (literally) of gravel into the garden, but that was more muscle than cardio.
Anyway, was worried that I would ahve put on laods of weight, btu I WI in this morning and I'm still 13st 3, which is good. I mean I was hoping to be 13st this week, but oh well. Back to work I suppose. Might look up some pay-as-you-go gymns in the area.
Hope you're all well xxx