Pink - Tripping on pebbles rather than climbing mountains

I thought that yesterday Barb, i hope shes doing ok.

:):)Come out come out where ever you are :):)
Maybe she is just studying hard and has run out of spare time. Do miss her though.
Hey guys!!! Gah, I'm so sorry. I don't really even have an excuse, I just fell off the wagon and was a bit ashamed to come back on here and say that AGAIN lol.

I don't even know how it happened really, I just started eating the way I did in the old days...Put on 9lbs (back up to 13st 9!! ew).
I've sort of been back on track this last week and a bit, so I've lost a few lbs (probably just water weight) so I'm currently 13st 4lbs!

I'm so frustrated with myself, I finally got down to 13st and I was about to break into the 12s and it just went t*ts up. Oh well.

So, I'm back to eating healthily, mostly having cereal for breakfast and lunch, and then a healthy meal in the evening, with some fruit or a small mug of cereal in the late evening.

I'm back home from uni for the next three weeks to work (Mum and step-dad have turned the flats upstairs into b&b rooms whilst I've been away, so now I work as a chambermaid).
Anyway, I'm going back to Cardiff (uni) for the last week of June to spend the last week with my mates before the proper summer hols (and I'm moving my stuff from my current uni house to our one for next year).

So yes.

I'm joining the gym again tomorrow, doing the 6-week memberships that I did this time last year.

OH!!!!!!! OH!!!!! OH!!!!!

The reason I'm back on the ball now is because I have a very important event in October that I want to look lovely for.

I'm being published!!!!!

Just a short story in an anthology, but it's an honest to goodness book, and my writing is going to be in it!!!!!!!!!!!

The book launch is in October, and I'm pretty sure that the local press will be there, and I don't want to look awful!

So yes, this is my news.

I'm trying to catch up with everyone's diaries, I'll get there eventually.
But you're all wonderful, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support!
Oh. Off the wagon eh? I do it every week! I'm just not writing about it. I am ashamed too but who cares? :) Had cake yesterday...and pizza on Friday...Today is a new day and I’m eating a banana and Greek yoghurt for breakfast.
I’m not sure that having cereal for breakfast and lunch and snack is a very healthy idea. First it's not too good to have similar stuff all the time (I find myself doing it a lot) because your body does need lost of different nutrients and for that you need to eat more variety of things.
Maybe try to eat more protein too? Low fat and will release energy slower so it'll keep you full longer.
I also found rye bread for myself. This is the ultimate tummy filler and keeps it full for ages! With a bit of ham and salad...Yum.
I guess we all have to find our own way. :)
Congratulations on being published! Very very well done! This is a good goal you got now. Pretty realistic is to lose SOME weight before that.
Ah after all this rambling I just wanted to say...never feel ashamed to come back here silly. We're all the same and we fall off too. Sometimes every day. But as long as you don't give up it's fine!
Yay!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Welcome back Pink {{hugs}} :)

Lovely to see you back, and here, grab my hand, that's it, (as I pull you effortlessy back up and onto the wagon!) now sit down, get comfy....and off we go, hold on tight!!!!

You have been missed by so many, we will all be smiling to have you back on board :D

so you slipped up, no worries, we all do, what is important is you came back when the time was right, and you are going to do it, just like before!!!!

I don't know what makes us fall off even when we are doing so well. Years ago, I lost a lot of weight, and my next weigh in would have brought me down into the 12 stone mark....and I went completely off track and ate for scotland..then gave up!!! so you are not alone, we are all human!

NOW...massive congratualtions on being published!!!! :D :D :D How exciting for you, well done, you deserve it so much and must be thrilled beyond belief, and what an incentive for you...local celeb getting photos in the paper!!! do you want to borrow my sunglasses :flirt2:?

Have a lovely day, enjoy everthing thats coming your way, you sound so busy and a huge welcome back again from me!
Hey Pink good to see you still here.

I rejoined SW last week as had also fallen back into old habits - bad choice take aways and tubs of hagen daz for dinner!

I am now back on track and still 3 stone lighter than when I started over a year ago and so like you, am back on it with a bit of a gain but nothing that cannot be fixed.

Very well done on getting published - fantastic!
Hi Emz, how exciting, being published, that is just fantastic.

Don't worry about the slip, it happens to all of us and you are back here still trying, that is all matters. You are taking the scenic route to success, no harm in that.

Good for you with the gym, you will soon be under the 13's and heading for the 11's!
Liisa - Hey :) Thank you for the encouragement. I do usually make homeade soup for lunch, but I havent been to the shops for veg yet, waiting for payday on Friday. I do make sure to have protein and veg in the evening though :)

RRose - you always make me smile! Hugs for all, lol.
Haha, being published is the most exciting thing ever, next step is writing my own novel! (sighs wistfully - one daaay).
It's so silly to fall off of the wagon (thanks for the hand back up btw), when you're healthy it's actually really easy to be healthy, and then BAM, it's like buscuits are the new God.

DSMC - hey, yeh it's always good to remember how far you've come and not get too despondent. Hope SW goes well, pass on any decent recipes you come by ;)

Barb - Scenic route to success! That should be in cross stitch on walls across the country, haha.
You're doing amazingly!!! You must be chuffed to be in the zone like you are!

Went to the gym earlier to hand over my voucher and book myself in for next week, so Monday to Friday at 8:30 am I'll be going to the gym! I aim to do about an hour, which means I'll be back in time for work at 10. Then I do about 2 and a half hours of chambermaiding (which works the scrubbing muscles) and then i can spend the rest of my day reading and doing the work for the online university module I'm doing.

Barb - I did have a little daydream earlier and thought that it'd actually be possible for me to be 11st by October! How wicked would that be!

Aww my ladies! I can't tell you how much you've cheered me up! It's gooood to be back :)
11st by October, now that's a great goal! Go for it. If you are going to be a top author, you might as well be a slinky one!

Biscuits the new god - oh dear, they will always be a problem for me. That's why I just dare not have any, once i start......

Have a good day Emz.
I'm with you on that Barb! My housemates can have like 3 bikkies and be happy, but as soon as I have one I'm like *more!* lol. So yes, just say no!

I WENT TO THE GYM! First time in 9 months(ish). Gah.
It was hard, but not as bad as I thought it'd be, except for the rowing machine, I struggled to do 5 mins, when I used to be able to do 20.

I started on the treadmill as my warm up, did 20 mins of fast walking with about 10 of that on incline, and I ran for 4 minutes. FOUR WHOLE MINUTES IN A ROW! Immense. I used to struggle to do 1, but tbf, I did it on a much slower pace than usual, I think I was trying to push myself too hard before, which was why I could never get a decent rhythm.

Anyway, then I did the rowing machine for 5 mins (poorly and with many breaks to "adjust my ipod").

And then I did 25 mins on the cross trainer, slower paced with 2-3 minute bursts of speed.

Annndd theeeen I did 10 mins cool down on the treadmill, just walking fast on incline and the slowing down.

And then I came home, cleaned 2 of the B&B bathrooms and hoovered the biggest room.

Sorry, I'm sure that was really boring for people that aren't obsessed with the gym, lol. But yeh.

I feel good for having exercised, and I certainly needed it.

My one negative at the moment is that I'm just getting over toncillitis, so I'm drinking loads of cough syrup, tea with loads of honey and I'm eating loads of tunes, which is immense amount of sugar that I don't really need, but what can you do.

Off to have some porride and then head out to town to buy mum's birthday present.

Hope that you're all doing well :)
Well done Emz, for a first day back that sounds pretty amazing. The housework is a good calorie burner too. Sounds like you are on a roll!
ahhh its sooo good to see u back pink!! huge congratulations for getting published!! what an achievement!! xx
Thanks Barb and terioke!

I didn't go to the gym this morning, had a bit of a rough night cold-wise and my lungs feel a bit iffy with the asthma, so I didn't want to push my luck. Sort of tempted to go this afternoon just so I've been, but I think I should pass. SO frustrating.

But I did the cleaning, lots of bending and running up and down stairs and stuff, so that much was good.

Took Mum out for lunch for her birthday, had a roasted pepper and goats cheese ciabatta thing with some homemade crisps (which I left most of) not the best cal wise, but I only had a mini bowl of cereal for breakfast and I'll prob have salad for dinner later.

Hope that you're all well :)
Don't worry about not making it to the gym, all that housework etc counts as exercise and you're eating well so you should be ok ;)
yes, take care Pink :)

don't worry bout missing gym, sounds like you are doing sowell on previous visits and as others have said, housework burns cals too!

Enjoy the day, keping taking the medicine and relax a bit :)
I made it to the gym this morning, did 25 mins on the treadmill (2x 4mins of running!), and then 25 mins on the crosstrainer and then 15 mins on treadmill again (2x 2mins of running).

Just did the cleaning as well. Tired now. Have immense pmt too, so I'm just going to sulk for the rest of the day lol.

Hope everyone's ok.
Wow Pink, that's serious gym effort! Well done... I think I'd have a heart attack doing all that :eek:

You're well on your way, just make sure you don't do too much and burn yourself out ;)

Have a lovely day :)