I'm with you on that Barb! My housemates can have like 3 bikkies and be happy, but as soon as I have one I'm like *more!* lol. So yes, just say no!
I WENT TO THE GYM! First time in 9 months(ish). Gah.
It was hard, but not as bad as I thought it'd be, except for the rowing machine, I struggled to do 5 mins, when I used to be able to do 20.
I started on the treadmill as my warm up, did 20 mins of fast walking with about 10 of that on incline, and I ran for 4 minutes. FOUR WHOLE MINUTES IN A ROW! Immense. I used to struggle to do 1, but tbf, I did it on a much slower pace than usual, I think I was trying to push myself too hard before, which was why I could never get a decent rhythm.
Anyway, then I did the rowing machine for 5 mins (poorly and with many breaks to "adjust my ipod").
And then I did 25 mins on the cross trainer, slower paced with 2-3 minute bursts of speed.
Annndd theeeen I did 10 mins cool down on the treadmill, just walking fast on incline and the slowing down.
And then I came home, cleaned 2 of the B&B bathrooms and hoovered the biggest room.
Sorry, I'm sure that was really boring for people that aren't obsessed with the gym, lol. But yeh.
I feel good for having exercised, and I certainly needed it.
My one negative at the moment is that I'm just getting over toncillitis, so I'm drinking loads of cough syrup, tea with loads of honey and I'm eating loads of tunes, which is immense amount of sugar that I don't really need, but what can you do.
Off to have some porride and then head out to town to buy mum's birthday present.
Hope that you're all doing well