right well it seems my harmless little day off turned in to a week! I knew I couldn't control myself! So it's now officially time to draw a line under it and..."START AGAIN"!
Im okay, i feel a bit annoyed with myself but so much has happend in the last week i cant help but give myself a break! Plus now im set in my routine of brekkie and lunch, I just have to stop the evening eating again which is fairly easy after the first few days as long as i dont have the food available. Im beyond exhausted today, crazy weekend of work followed by a manic commute into uni this morning. Good news is I finally feel like i have all the information, and all the tools to do this right. im proud of what iv achieved this past month, i didnt even no what breakfast and lunch were!
I'll be sticking to 1200 a day for the next 3 months, starting (again!) tomorrow. There really is nothing in my way now. Im excited!