Please HELP!!!

Hi everyone!!!!!
As ever thanks for voting!!!!We are still in 2nd place...down by 267 votes...please remember to vote and pass it on !!!:)
Just voted for them now!
voted again! So BUMP!

come on---vote now!
Voted again , they are in second place , need to up the game guys :)
Mornin all.....Thanks so much for voting!!!WE ARE ONLYYY 188 votes behind..thats it!!!!!!If everyone on the forum voted right now..we're be almost caught up..if you havent voted please please vote!!!

Thank you!!!:)
just posted it on a bingo site you may get a couple of votes from it xx
Mandye...ahh wow thanks so much..thats jus the kinda thing we need to get it out there!!!

Thanks again all :)
Just voted again..... still 2nd place.... come on let's get them a Wedding....!!! a 50 grand one at that......:D
ONLY 150 votes seperates 1 and 2 right now..please everyone..if you havent voted..PLEASE vote now!!! thank you!!!! :)