i feel your pain, ive been there and struggled with my weight since i was 15 yrs old. im 4ft11in and was super morbidly obese but worked my way down to 13.6st. Its the biggest challenge ive ever faced but i knew that if i wanted to be happy and successful in life, i would have to overcome my biggest obstacle; me. I was the one standing in the way of being healthy, happy, being confidence and having high self esteem, so i had to change.
The fact that your on this forum shows that you havent given up, and that you want to be happy.
I read on your signature that the first thing you want to do is to make your son and family proud. Its very encouraging so keep that in mind every time you feel under pressure of binging. Also, its important to make yourself proud of overcoming such a massive achievement, if you can win the battle of loosing weight then you will accomplish everything else on that list and more.
After so many attempts at weight loss myself, Ive started listening to a podcast called "inside out weight loss" on Personal Life Media blog by this ex struggler Rene Stevens. Its so useful and has helped people change their thinking pattern about food completely. So many people have lost so much weight by changing the way they see and think about food, and you will learn so much about yourself.
Also, try exercising. Im on the kettleworx programme, a 6 week programme where you do 20 minute workouts 3x during the week. There are additional workouts also available but since its only 20 minutes, i can fit it in easily during the day, and ive managed to loose an inch a week and become mote toned as a result. You dont need to do the kettleworx programme, there are lots of other kettlebell programmes out there but its worked for me and everyone else i know and theres a thread in the exercise section on MM.
Overall, dont put yourself down, your a fighter and i know that keeping your goals in mind, changing your approach to food and realizing your triggers you will reach your goals and live the life you always wanted, and remember just take it a day at a time, before you know it, you'll be fitting into those 10's in no time