Today was a shambles. Breakfast and dinner were fine, but lunch! Ah, lunch. We had to drive a ways today and had specifically planned to stop at M& S for a feel-fuller-longer flatbread sarnie (which are great). But... we got there and that branch didn't sell them. Of course I was starving by then, having left it a bit late, and stormed off in a huff to the next nearest shop (waitrose) where I proceeded to buy exactly the same sort of (non-friendly) stuff they'd had in M&S. Sigh. Ate far too much as by then I was *hungry*. I even had a Nakd bar in my bag that I could/should have had sooner but I had it in my mind that I was saving it for afternoon snack. Never mind that they sell them in Waitrose so I could have restocked. Epic fail.
Breakfast: oaty muffin, hardboiled eggs
Lunch: aka the meal whose name we do not speak
Snack: Nakd bar
Dinner: wholemeal kamut pasta with white beans, bacon and kale
- (stolen from Ashie) did not actually kill anyone although I easily could have
- stocked up the freezer with salmon, cod, tuna steaks and blueberries, lots of good stuff
- didn't eat a bag of root veggie crisps I bought even though they were staring at me from the car footwell for quite some time
- got the meal plan for the next week done