"Plump Polly".....golden oldie..........Newbie

Thanks for the suggestion Polly - but I'm not a big fan of herbal teas, and I realy can't stand either Comomile or Peppermint.
I hate cleaning my teeth with toothpaste because of the mint in it!

I use lavendar oil every night and rub it on my shoulders - that's supposed to relax you and help you sleep.

I've tried herbal sleeping pills available here. They are supposed to make you drowsy within 30 minutes and put you to sleep for at least 4 hours.
They "sort of" work. I read a book once I've taken them and they take about 90 minutes to make me feel a bit sleepy and then I do nod off. But I might have done that anyway. And I wake up after about 2 hours!

I just accept now that I'm a bit of an insomniac and live with it and work my life around it.

How are you? Hope you're not feeling stiff from all that painting.

I'm the same Bev
The only things that do work are
Night nurse
Or Wine
Hi ladies, haven't been on the pc since this morning, I started to get a migraine (too much reading online I think) so switched off. No am not aching, I've been doing bits for weeks, but to start with, I ached everywhere!
I've got some herbal sleeping tablets too, can't say they've made much difference. there was a sleep "doctor" on breakfast news some weeks ago who said reading at bed time kept you awake...so I put my Kindle away and haven't read since. Stupid idea because I sit up on the pc instead. I wake up every couple of hours too!
I love anything minty, but this IS quite strong, but I'd try anything if I thought it would help, mind I've just made a cuppa......an forgot about peppermint tea!! xx

Lol that made me giggle Polly ;)
Hope the migraine doesn't stay around to long
Have a lovely Wednesday
:wavey:Hi ladies, thanks Kally...no it didn't hang around, once I start seeing jazzy lines I take tablets.
I think Night Nurse is brilliant for coughs,,,that's the only time I've taken it....hadn't thought about the sleep side....then again, I'd rather have a nice bottle (bottle being the operative word!!) of sweet white wine anytime! lolol!
I'm pleased to report my daughter has been here this morning, sitting on the plank foe me (having kittens I might add) while I painted the ceiling and wall I couldn't reach. She'll have to come back for me to do a second coat..........got to wait now!
I had a nap yesterday afternoon, and was regretting it till 4.30am.....definitely not having one today, thought I'd get some cards made instead. Have a good one everyone!! xx

SW, 42 lbs of fat!.jpgI joined the LBD challenge for Christmas and made myself a "fat chart" to knock the lbs off as they go...gonna stick it in my cupboard so if anyone else would like it, please help yourself xx
Lol Polly hope your daughters kittens are now well fed and settled
until next coat ;)
Loving your chart there very good idea
Thank you, I like keeping a diary, and checking things off, the bit of a kid in me I suppose. I love the weight ticker too, but this gives me something to do at home that will hot me in the eye every time I open the cupboard! I'd love to see it all crossed out by Christmas, but doubt that will happen, but I'm going to give it my best shot!
WI tomorrow, so have everything crossed. See you then! x
Thank you, I like keeping a diary, and checking things off, the bit of a kid in me I suppose. I love the weight ticker too, but this gives me something to do at home that will hot me in the eye every time I open the cupboard! I'd love to see it all crossed out by Christmas, but doubt that will happen, but I'm going to give it my best shot!
WI tomorrow, so have everything crossed. See you then! x
No defeatist attitide please!
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. . . I'd rather have a nice bottle (bottle being the operative word!!) of sweet white wine anytime! lolol!
Do you shop in Tesco?
They used to do a wonderful sweet white wine that came from Valencia, Spain! Which is where I now live.
It's made from the Moscatel grape and is delicious.
Many moons ago it was less than £1.50 a bottle - although I suspect it has gone up now.
Our friend, who was a bit of a wine snob, said there was nothing to beat Brown Brothers sweet moscatel.
So we took a bottle to a dinner party at their house and she blind sampled the two against each other. She prefered the one from Tesco!
It had cost £1.49 for a full bottle. The Brown Brothersone had cost her £6.49 for a half bottle ! :eek:
She was converted after one taste! :8855:
See if you can find it in Tesco as I'm sure they still carry it in stock in the bigger stores - it is really good.
Do you shop in Tesco?
They used to do a wonderful sweet white wine that came from Valencia, Spain! Which is where I now live.
It's made from the Moscatel grape and is delicious.
Many moons ago it was less than £1.50 a bottle - although I suspect it has gone up now.
Our friend, who was a bit of a wine snob, said there was nothing to beat Brown Brothers sweet moscatel.
So we took a bottle to a dinner party at their house and she blind sampled the two against each other. She prefered the one from Tesco!
It had cost £1.49 for a full bottle. The Brown Brothersone had cost her £6.49 for a half bottle ! :eek:
She was converted after one taste! :8855:
See if you can find it in Tesco as I'm sure they still carry it in stock in the bigger stores - it is really good.

Funny enough they do still carry it
well mine does lol although its more
like £6 a bottle these days .....
when my mum was alive she always use to have
a glass of it Xmas day ....she didn't drink apart from
that glass with her Xmas dinner
Guess who use to polish off the rest Bev ;) no prizes for guessing

And I agree with Bev .....Polly we don't do defeatist attitude lovely lady
you can do it and you will do it
Happy Thursday
OUCH!! that hurt!! lolol!
Morning ladies, no not hiding Kally, just this minute arrived! It's always hectic for me on Thursday, have group in the morning, then shopping, then in the evening I play darts, so usually in the afternoon I have a nap.
Just lost the 1lb this week, disappointed but not disheartened. I got on my scales at home (I know...I shouldn't) and had lost the 2lb needed for my 1st stone by last Sunday, so couldn't understand why 3 days later it only showed 1lb at WI. ...it's that flippin' Scan Bran,,and I didn't drink enough water, all I've had is tummy ache!
I crossed off the 13 lbs I HAVE lost...just to perk me up a bit, so 1lb + a couple of ounces every week, and I WILL reach that 3 stones target, I WILL I WILL!!
Have got a party in a couple of weeks, but neither of you have told me the name of the wine, so........? sounds just my erm...cup of tea? something nice to take with me!
Must get the dreaded ironing done, and set myself up to watch Murray, so will be back later...have a good one ladies xx
And you Kally...watching this tennis is making me into a nervous wreck! lolol.
The wine, is it called MERCADONNA? or is that the name of the supermarket? I'm not very "au fait" with wine, usually too dry or too sharp, so I drown everything in lemonade, it will be nice to try one that's sweet without adding anything! xx
LOL - Mercadonna is my Spanish supermarket.
No idea of the name of the wine - in fact not sure it even has one. I think it just says Moscatel de Valencia on it!

Tennis was unfortunately not up to scratch. Lisicki did not play at all well.
Let's hope the men's final is better tomorrow.
LOLOL!! good job I didn't get my daughter to ask for Mercadonna then! I've just replied about the tennis on your thread Bev. Thought the mens semi with Del Potro was fabulous. I used to be glued when it was the McEnroe, Agassi, Connors era, Sampras spoilt if for me...all aces, and SO boring, I like to watch them slog it out with good rallys!
Too hot for me here today....sun moves round the front after tea, so went out to cut the grass then...still hot...makes me feel exhausted! Still quite suroprising, not many bugs around! ( I just KNOW I'm going to regret saying that.)
think I went down the wrong route with food today, made a turkey mince casserole....so scrummy....but too much for this weather!
see you after Murray wins!! x
Just send him lots of positive vibrations and if the crowd get behind him it is doable!

Off to bed now as I'm actually really tired having slept very little last night. See you tomorrow after the tennis!
Evening Polly - hope you enjoyed your day. I'm away now until Tuesday or Wednesday, so see you then.
Have a good few days and stick to plan! Don't want you going off the rails whislt I'm away! :8855:
Hi ladies, and welcome B44........no I promise I won't stray...I've been 100% on plan since day 1 and will NOT go over........it's these syn things that I don't get enough of!
been painting again today....wondering how many calories I've leaked.......not as many as I'd like I bet!
Did you have a good weekend? Weather has been gorgeous, but too hot for me, but today there's a lovely breeze with it...burning weather though!
Didn't hardly move from my chair yesterday...so bust trying to get about 100 cards made, only thing being exercised yesterday were my hands, and they're NOT fat!!
Kally, by your photo, I just can't imagine you being 11 stones heavier...I went to see if you had any before /after pics in the gallery, but couldn't find any!.....You lost what I want to be!!:sigh:...Jeez, just read, you lost half your body weight!! you must feel like a totally different person! That is just fantastic!

Hope Bev isn't going on a marathon party!!
Hi ladies, and welcome B44........no I promise I won't stray...I've been 100% on plan since day 1 and will NOT go over........it's these syn things that I don't get enough of!
been painting again today....wondering how many calories I've leaked.......not as many as I'd like I bet!
Did you have a good weekend? Weather has been gorgeous, but too hot for me, but today there's a lovely breeze with it...burning weather though!
Didn't hardly move from my chair yesterday...so bust trying to get about 100 cards made, only thing being exercised yesterday were my hands, and they're NOT fat!!
Kally, by your photo, I just can't imagine you being 11 stones heavier...I went to see if you had any before /after pics in the gallery, but couldn't find any!.....You lost what I want to be!!:sigh:...Jeez, just read, you lost half your body weight!! you must feel like a totally different person! That is just fantastic!

Hope Bev isn't going on a marathon party!! :)

Glad to hear all is well Polly
Lol to leaking calories it's worth a thought
thanks for your kind words
At 22 stone I pretty much avoided all but
head shots photo wise
but I do have a couple around the 17st mark
side by side to what I am now
