Poppet's Next Attempt!

Thanks littlemissnaughty. This weekend hasn't been too bad but I'll see what the scales say tomorrow!
I've got a bit of a dodgy tummy at the moment so just been picking at what I fancy really.
Today we have done a huge animal/spare room clean out and we've got the tax return to do. Joy!
It was a yummy meal Lisa and I enjoyed every bit, so not bad at all! Homity pie is a veggie pie, usually leeks, cheese and little cubes of sauteed potato, with a bechamel type sauce and herbs :) so tasty! How is everyone else? I need to get round diaries!
Hey Poppet - stomach bugs are no fun! Hope you feel better soon. We did some more sorting today too: I got annoyed, because apparently we'd done enough... we absolutely hadn't. But never mind. Chilled late afternoon with a few Red Snapper's on the go (what better way to improve a Bloody Mary, than to make it with gin!!?!)
Thanks guys- I was bound to get ill sooner or later with all the nasties hanging around at the moment!
Feeling a smidge better in my tummy today but slept funny so the pain in my shoulder is somewhat distracting me!
Yesterday was a bit of a disaster by the time it finished. I put OH in charge of lunch and tea as I couldn't face the kitchen.
He made me a yummy cheese & onion chutney toastie for lunch (white bread :eek:) and then for tea he made a big pot of garlic mushrooms (black smoked garlic *drool* and a packet of cheese sauce mixed with a whole punnet of mushrooms) and served it with freshly baked baguettes. It was bloody amazing but not exactly on plan. The mushrooms count as speed though, right?!
Anyway, I braved the scales and have lost half again. I'm quite happy with that though, as it's still in the right direction and I know I can do better than I have this week.
The scales ockered a bit between half and 1lb but I'm erring on the side of caution. I'd quite like a new set of scales as ours is ancient and they get through batteries so fast- I think I might have a browse online and see if there's any good ones about.
Today's plan food wise is a bit up in the air so I'll update later. In the meantime, I have so much writing to do, I'd better crack on :)
Have a good day all x
Sorry to hear your still not feeling great.

Yum, your mushroom and baguette sounds lush, even if it was naughty :)

Well done on losing 1/2 lb ish. Any loss is better than no loss at all :)

I also use a very old set of scales. I brought some new ones a couple of years ago but I couldn't get on with them, I love my old faithfuls. They have never been wrong.
I'm a bit worried I'll get new and they'll show I've been weighing wrong all this time haha.
Mushrooms were delicious- so tasty, the black smoked garlic took it to a new level!
Banana porridge for breakfast- no milk so made it with water, not as nice but at least I have my hexa to use today.
Will probably do pasta for tea so it will be used on that!
I always make my porridge with water! If you whisk an egg into the water, it goes creamy and saves your HEXA for later in the day.
My mums scales always say I'm heavier- I hopped on them earlier for comparison and they put me at 11st!
Mine were always fairly consistent with SW ones though and are digital where mums are the mechanical ones.
Good tip re the egg T_T- I will remember that one, extra protein too :)
Thanks Lisa! Hot chutney/pickle is the best- be careful though as it does get like molten lava. I'm sure branston is syn free?
The black garlic is amazing- my in-laws brought it back from somewhere they went on holiday and they visited a garlic farm (Jersey?!). It's a whole bulb which is smoked, so it's black inside and squidgy. Much milder and sweeter than regular garlic, we even ate some 'raw' to see what it tasted like. It reminded me a bit of liquorice, absolutely delish.
I've just had a bacon sandwich for lunch and an apple. It was good but I'll have to syn a hexb now!
OH has had pasta for dinner so not sure what tea will be- maybe a shepherds pie or something..
I love black garlic. And smoked garlic. Just garlic in general, really....

It goes almost souffle like with the egg in. And I find it much more filling. My nan used to make a semolina pudding with it in, and a lot of American oatmeal recipes say to add an egg. Have to make sure it's mixed in well, so you don't end up with scrambled egg though!

I'm actually dreading the scales on Thursday. It will have been three weeks since I weighed, and I know I haven't been good. That said, body magic has been up and I haven't been AS bad as I could have been... Busy eating my body weight in fruit at uni. I think I can see the end in sight for my literature review! I had a really good meeting with my supervisor last week, so feeling quite positive. I'm back to writing about social capital, which I could go on about for hours! I do feel like my lit review is lots of little potted histories at the moment. Hope your work is going well!
Me too on the garlic front- it's one of the best ways to add flavour to anything! Though OH took it too far once- he decided to put garlic puree in yorkshire pudding batter which was a bit odd in itself, even worse when we decided to make pancakes out of the leftover batter. Took us ages to work out why they tasted funny!
It's a good tip! I'll give it a go, and remember to whisk it in well :) nobody wants porridgey scrambled eggs.
That's brilliant! Sounds like you are making excellent progress. I too had a good supervision meeting last week- I think it's really starting to come together. I've been working on a chapter today that, after this final redraft, I think is done.
Lit reviews are tricky because you've got a lot of content to cover and it's got to be coherent. Sometimes it's hard to make links between each piece of info you're covering, but when you've got it drafted you can read it through and see where needs the extra links.
Just met a friend at a cafe, I had a latte which was lovely but is sitting horribly in my stomach, so I don't think I'm quite on the road to recovery :-(
I was worried that I was getting too far into semantics, but my tutor pointed out that that's actually fairly key to what I'm writing about. The fact that these terms are so contested means that policy isn't always clear, which makes things much harder for practitioners, and to actually analyse benefits (especially social and cultural benefits). Unfortunately, it seems that most of my key terms are contested!
Sometimes that's a good thing though, as you can have a nice debate about it and (hopefully) argue your case well!
Will you have a viva? I didn't for my MSc but I gather some places do. If not then all the more important to show you are aware of the limitations but can justify anyway.
I think I've just about finished my first chapter! I'm leaving it for today and will have a good read through in a few days I think.
Not bad for a Monday!
Yay well done! It must be a great feeling. Nope, not that I've been told about anyway. A lot of my work will be stating that thing are outside the limitations of this study...
It's fab! I feel spurred on to keep going with the other chapters. Hopefully this will be a good week.
I think it's important to acknowledge your own limits though- and obviously, the constraints of a word count mean you can't explore every avenue in as much depth as you'd like to!
I had a bit of pasta for tea and it went down ok. Lots of fluid and an early night for me.
Think I might try a hot water bottle on my shoulder too! I can't face writing my food out properly today- it hasn't been brill but not terrible either, and I'll leave it at that! Hopefully tomorrow will be better :)
Oh gosh yesterday wasn't much better!
During the day was fine but we went to our friends to book a holiday in the eve and ended up ordering a takeaway. It was pizza or burger so I went for burger- yum but bad.
A whole day at home today where I am in control so I will do better!
I think I'll have some fruit and yoghurt for breakfast
I'd like to try baked oats or waffle for lunch but see how I go for time
And tea I'll probably make a nice chilli- lots of speed and I can have it with rice & do chips for OH. Got some natural yoghurt for on top. If I'm ok for syns I might have a slice of garlic bread.
Yes that is my plan!
Have a great day everyone x
Sorry I've been a bit quiet! Got a lot going on at the moment and finding sw a bit difficult, though I'm doing my best :)
Hopefully next week will be better. Not looking forward to getting on the scales tomorrow but I will accept whatever I'm given.
Had a nice day today visiting friends and OH took me out for a lovely Sunday dinner!
Thank you Lisa. I'm okish just struggling to stick to plan, got so much going on something is bound to slip and I can't afford for it to be work at the moment.
I put on 0.5lb today which I'm not too bothered by- it could have been much worse and I know exactly how it's happened, so all I can do is dust off and keep at it.
Hoping to have at least a good weeks writing, will just have to see how food goes. I went shopping on Sat so at least have some fresh stuff in, though must remember not to shop on Saturday again- half the shelves were empty at Lidl!