Mrs CC
Silver Member
Just here to subscribe.
I'm 15 weeks preg and gaining weight too fast but can't stop! I am relaxing into it but also looking to see how people do at loosing it after the birth!
1 week old was deff to soon to start but well done fr trying! I'm thinking I will leave it about a month to settle into routine etc then start bk on SW or similar
Congratulations by the way on the birth of yr son!xx
Congratulations on your pregnancy Cai! Is this your first?
Don't worry about gaining weight while pregnant, I tried hard not to, but it was too hard! By the end I was eating a lot of rubbish, but I'm only about a stone and a half heavier than I was when I found out (ignore my stats, they're out of date!) which I don't think is too bad!
I deffo tried to start back too early! But I think I was trying to do a lot of things too early after I had him, I had to learn the hard way I'm not bloody super woman and can't do a lot of the things I used to! I think now is a better time cos little man has settled into a bit of a routine of three hour feeds, which makes it easier for me to plan out my day around him.
Don't put too much pressure on yourself to lose the weight after you have the baby. For all I started back early, I'm in no rush to lose the weight xx