powerplates/vibration plates

You WILL prove to him when ur snuggling up very soon it works baby cakes...

Woofy x
ooh theres a sunbed shop near me called tone and tan. I still don't know yet if the toning plates are on the actual sunbeds so you can wobble whilst getting a tan:eek: or maybe it just means that they have toning plates aswell as sunbeds there haha. It does say tone while you tan on the sign though. I'm gonna have to go in one day! Imagine wobbling away in the nude :D
What a fab idea! Tone the flab while you tan it! :roofles:
Me too, how much are these wobbly plates? :)
Check out e bay coz i just got a brand new one in box for £28.50. Thats my bargain of the week!
WOW! I'm a looking! ;)
Im picking my wobble board up at 10.30 tomorrow so should be home by about 12 to use it.
Cheryl whay did you put in the search engine in ebay hun? vibration plate?
Power plate i think hun but if not the vibration plate and then click on the exercise section on the left so you dont get all the tools come up
Wondered why I was getting whacker plates coming up pmsl - seemed a bit drastic even for my wobbly bits :8855: