Hi ladies
I was wondering if anyone had any ideas? Susie what do you think?
Basically, apart from the usual pregnancy niggles (HB, lack of sleep, being a bit uncomfortable etc) - overall I've felt pretty good since 16/17 weeks when the nausea/ms stopped. Today, something has 'changed' - I really can't put my finger on it. I just feel "weird". I was having some very weird/not very nice feelings this morning whilst getting ready - it made me stop what I was doing and I had to sit down quite often. Something kept tightening (assuming it was the top of my uterus because it was making my stomach and chest feel tight) - was horrible as I couldn't catch my breath.
I've felt sick in waves all day - at first I thought it was due to hunger but after eating regularly I've realised it's not. Then when out for a late lunch/early dinner earlier I felt very strange. Couldn't catch my breath again, felt sick, felt like all energy had suddenly been zapped out of me, and then I had backache for no reason (by no reason, I mean it wasn't the sort of backache I've had because I've done too much if you know what I mean?)
I've since had a nap, and a bath and I still feel strange

I can't even tell you how I'm feeling or what's wrong as such - I can't explain it I just feel very different today.

lol x