Pregnant with Baby No 2!
Hi Sarah, Sorry I'm not too sure re the cold thing but hopefully the others can help
Hope Cole gets better soon xx
Ladies...any advice on how to pass the next few days/weeks?! I'm getting so impatient. I keep talking to baby and saying how much I want to meet her and then it makes me feel even more impatient because I ACTUALLY want to meet her lol I have a feeling the next 2 and a half - 4 and a half weeks are going to drraaaaaagg x
Ladies...any advice on how to pass the next few days/weeks?! I'm getting so impatient. I keep talking to baby and saying how much I want to meet her and then it makes me feel even more impatient because I ACTUALLY want to meet her lol I have a feeling the next 2 and a half - 4 and a half weeks are going to drraaaaaagg x