I had an episiotomyI'll get the GP to check it and hopefully it will improve in time like you say
My midwife said today that the doctors would still allow me to go the normal time overdue even if baby was measuring big, if that's the case what's the point in growth scans? She said they didn't really listen to them anyway :-/
How big do they think baby is now? They have said mine is 6.5 pounds so far (35 weeks), but as you said they are happy with growth and not concerned it's overly large :-/ not sure how I feel about that with potentially 7 weeks of growing to do, but they are not very accurate so I'm trying not to worry xx
Growth scans are more to do with checking consistent growth hun, so checking baby is growing properly. So if they scanned you and there was a slow down in growth they would scan you again and see if all was well. It's also to check baby isn't growing too rapidly so putting on lots and lots of weight which could indicate undiagnosed diabetes. Try not to worry, they can be out by 25% anyway. It's more to give them an idea all is well xx
The growth scan wasn't accurate at all in my case! Tbh I don't know anyone (on here or in real life) who's had a baby come in at exactly the weight predicted. Don't worry! xxx
I think they tend to over estimate rather than under, I hope so anyway ouch!! Have you got any more scans or are you all done now? Xx
The growth scan wasn't accurate at all in my case! Tbh I don't know anyone (on here or in real life) who's had a baby come in at exactly the weight predicted. Don't worry! xxx
At my 39 week scan the girl told me baby was about 6lb 11oz... She was born 4 days later weighing 6lb 14oz... Although I'm the only person I know that has had an accurate guesstimate... N it was at 39 weeks which is not a "usual" time to b scanned
This is the odd thing, my last scan was at 39+2 and they were still saying he'd be a big baby then! I think they go off femur length though and Seth has v long legs so that could be what threw the weight estimate out...![]()
Hi ladies, it's me again and the endless feeding dilemma. So I took Seth to be weighed today and he's not lost weight but not gained much ether, less than 1lb in a month. He's now dropped to the 2nd centile (he was on the 50th at birth) and tbh I'm worried, although the HV didn't seem too bothered. I have to take him back in two weeks to be weighed again. It was suggested today by the HV who weighed him that it might be the case that my milk supply has been reduced because of the formula feed we give him at night and she suggested that we either go to exclusive bf or ff all the time. Tbh I don't want to do either: I'm worried that I won't be able to cope with exclusive bf, although it's what I'd rather do as I know it's best for Seth. On the other hand I don't really want to ff as although it might make me happier and I might get more sleep it's all for my benefit and not his really. But if my milk isn't enough for him then maybe formula would be better for him... So the question is - are there other options that might work? Should I even be worried? I don't know how common it is for babies weight gain to slow like this. The HV didn't seem massively concerned. Seth seems to feed well most of the time and does plenty of wet and dirty nappies. He does have spit ups but not all the time. Help! :/
Hi ladies, it's me again and the endless feeding dilemma.
So I took Seth to be weighed today and he's not lost weight but not gained much ether, less than 1lb in a month. He's now dropped to the 2nd centile (he was on the 50th at birth) and tbh I'm worried, although the HV didn't seem too bothered. I have to take him back in two weeks to be weighed again.
It was suggested today by the HV who weighed him that it might be the case that my milk supply has been reduced because of the formula feed we give him at night and she suggested that we either go to exclusive bf or ff all the time. Tbh I don't want to do either: I'm worried that I won't be able to cope with exclusive bf, although it's what I'd rather do as I know it's best for Seth. On the other hand I don't really want to ff as although it might make me happier and I might get more sleep it's all for my benefit and not his really. But if my milk isn't enough for him then maybe formula would be better for him...
So the question is - are there other options that might work? Should I even be worried? I don't know how common it is for babies weight gain to slow like this. The HV didn't seem massively concerned.
Seth seems to feed well most of the time and does plenty of wet and dirty nappies. He does have spit ups but not all the time. Help! :/
Hi it is possible that your supply is less because of the FF .. The amount of milk you make is all in relation to demand.. Also when babies grow they tend to loose weight, or not gain as much.. Then once the growth spurt is over they start gaining again .. My oldest son is 6 now and last year he grew 10cm between March and April and lost 3kg .. But he was eating more than my OH during that time! Once his growth slowed down he gained the weight back .. The doc had me bring him back in 2 mths and he had gained all his weight back plus some more.. So at any age where children/ babies are growing they loose weight and then gain it back. If your waking to do the FF at night what would be the difference if it was a BF??
Seth does seem to spend more time growing long that putting weight on! He's tall and skinny bless him but my worry is that he's not supposed to be that way and he's hungry :/ I'm not waking to do the bottle feed - it's my husband that does it. I go to bed at 11 when Seth goes to sleep, my husband does the feed at about 1 when he wakes up and then I bf the rest of the time. He wakes up anywhere between 3.30 and 8 after the 1am feed but usually around 5am. We did exclusive bf for a few weeks and as much as I want to do it, it drove me insane. I was dreading every feed, constantly crying, getting zero sleep as he was constantly hungry - it was awful. In the end we decided to give him one bottle a day before I cracked up. I would rather go back to bf full time out of two options but I'm worried about my own sanity if I do!