Gold Member
After my 1st baby ended in and emergency section .. I bought a book called child birth choices and did loads of reading to understand why I ended up with a c- section . It seemed to help
so when I was pregnant with baby no2 I was aware of why I needed a c-section again. Plus now with baby no3 on its way I know I'm having a c-section,
it's all to do with choices, decisions made at my 1st birth. I don't feel cheated now - as I know that because of the decisions made it effected how the 1st birth happened.
1st birth/ Induction at 42+2, back to back baby, MV broke waters, epidural given to early as was only 3cm, 6 hours trying, baby getting stressed, option was c-section., also baby was 12lbs so just too big to come out naturally.. No GD just a long lean heavy hungry boy
Also I know I have big babies now - 2nd son 38wks 10lbs 4oz
Childbirth Choices by Adrienne Bennett http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0140148760/ref=cm_sw_r_udp_awd_aVYqtb0PAE3RP
it's all to do with choices, decisions made at my 1st birth. I don't feel cheated now - as I know that because of the decisions made it effected how the 1st birth happened.
1st birth/ Induction at 42+2, back to back baby, MV broke waters, epidural given to early as was only 3cm, 6 hours trying, baby getting stressed, option was c-section., also baby was 12lbs so just too big to come out naturally.. No GD just a long lean heavy hungry boy
Also I know I have big babies now - 2nd son 38wks 10lbs 4oz
Childbirth Choices by Adrienne Bennett http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0140148760/ref=cm_sw_r_udp_awd_aVYqtb0PAE3RP