Suddenly I'm feeling terrified about labour and I'm only 24+4 I don't really want an epidural if I can avoid one but I'm scared about the pain will I be ok will it be so excruciating that I have to take pain relief just to focus. I've said il have an epidural if needed but if try to sustain on gas and air and maybe some pethadine. I keep googling what's labour like but upto press nothing really conclusive saying bad period pains probably isn't selling it to it's extreme lol x
Ahh hun we all go through that part, don't worry. I remember feeling very scared at around 32 weeks xx
In my opinion, I think the best thing is to be completely open-minded and probably have it in the back of your mind that you MIGHT have pain relief. When I was pregnant, I wanted a water birth with only gas and air, and in the end, I actually could have had that birth. However, that was before going 2 weeks overdue and having to be induced. By the time I was ready to go to the delivery suite, I had been in early labour for 2 whole days and having mild contractions for that entire time. Apart from the fact they say inductions are "worse" for pain because your body is being forced into labour when it might not be ready, by the time I got to 4cms I was absolutely nackered. I hadn't eaten for 2 days either and probably only had about 5 hours sleep in 2 days. Although the MW was saying to me "the pool is free Jess, you can have the birth you want" - my body was screaming for an epidural so I could have a rest. I hadn't even thought about having an epidural throughout my pregnancy, and before having it I actually had 2 doses of the pain relief I said I didn't want!! (pethidine). Basically everything I had in my head about what I wanted/didn't want went out of the window.
That said, it's NOT like that for everyone.

I think if I had of gone into labour naturally, my birth story would be different. But I didn't, so I can't really say.
I know the unknown is scary hun, but honestly I would advise just to be really open-minded, and just go along with whatever happens. The one thing I do know is you will be absolutely FINE.

If you need pain relief, take it! No one gets any extra points for doing without. If you don't need it, then you don't need it.

Either way, you and baby will be fine, and well looked after by the midwives.
Sorry if that scares you even more lol that's not the intention. Just sharing my experience.

You really don't know how it's going to be for you personally, until it happens xxxxx