Pregnant with Baby No 2!
Ok this may sound a stupid question but what do you do with your babies on an average day? Do you play with them lots? They play on their own? Let them watch tv? X
Most of the time I try and let Amelia play on her own on her playmat or in her bouncer...get used to her toys, let her look at them, try and grab them etc and she seems quite happy! (Plus it enables me to get on and do stuff!!) Baby TV is usually on in the background and so she'll have a watch as well. I know all the fecking songs now so I end up singing them to her! ha ha. Then I will make sure I take some time out in the day to play with her. Show her toys, give her tummy time etc. I chat to her a lot anyway.... it might sound awful but I literally wouldn't get anything else done if I sat there all day trying to entertain her! I find she gets herself off to sleep when she wants to sleep, usually she'll have a nap for about 30 mins at the most somewhere between every feed. I don't mind leaving her on her own as I want her to not have to rely on us if you know what I mean? xxx