Back again!!
My mum always described it as "riding a wave" x dont fight it, just give in and let your body go with it and "ride" that contraction... Of course I forgot this at 5am when I was in established labour lol. Unfortunately I was on my own at this point - John and mum had been called so were on their way to hospital, and the MWs left me! So no one helped me with the breathing. Gas and air... Like sarah said, doesnt take pain away but makes you so out of it the pain seems as though its in the background...Your priority at that point is chatting away to the fairies lol. Omg did any of you try and speak whilst in the midst of G&A?!?! I sounded like a bloke!!!! Lol xx
Haha yeah. My sister was there when I had my first go on G&A and I heard her say to Tom "Listen to her voice" then out pops this deep voice. Xx