That's meant to say over there!Try water wipes they were on offer in the co op shops not sure what you have inverted there x
Girls am currently on my second oeriod since having Éabha n feeling really weak n dizzy n quite nauseous today. Had to at one point lay Éabga on the wooden floor in the kitchen as I thought I was gona drop!! Anyone experienced this?? Def not hunger as I've had brekkie and dinner n had decent portions etc so def not that.
Could be hormones or pain? My sister gets quick sick with hers. Have you had your iron levels checked recently? X
Not since pregnancy. Was meant to hav bloods done yesterday but forgot all about them til last night
is it definitely a period? is the blood loss normal for a period or is it lighter? heavier? maybe take a pregnancy test just in case as I know your kind of trying xxx
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Thanks girls. Been for a nice long walk n feeling grand now. No idea what was happening earlier
Baby's not been moving much for the past 4 days, feels like he's so muffled and quiet, before that he was at it all day and night and jiggling and poking My belly, why am I so worriedhe must of just moved position but I'm going to call midwife tommorow morning I hope he's okay
If you're worried I wouldn't wait for the midwife, ring the maternity unit you're going to. They'll get you on the monitor and check baby over. Your midwife will probably tell you to do this anyway. Cole used to have days like that but they do say any change in movement that's out of their normal routine should be checked. I'm sure he's fine but it doesn't hurt to just get seen x
Work will have to let you go if your concerned waiting a further day isn't really worth the risk get checked out and out your mind at ease xx
Yeah I'm at work till late tonight so can't even go today or anythingwill ring them tommorow morning see if I can get checked cause I can't believe how active he was to now hardley anything, hope he's just changed position, googling it didn't help atall but it seems common for baby's to have quiet days xx