Gold Member
Thanks guys, I am totally smitten with her. My world
Awwww Mia is gorgeous <3 congratulations x
Thanks guys, I am totally smitten with her. My world
Hey ladies, well I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl Mia at 6.45 this morning weighing 6.12oz. 3 days over due.
everything ran pretty smooth with the labour right up until pushing. Mia had the cord wrapped round her neck so every time I pushed her heart rate would drop. They then went on to try the suction cap ( bloody killed) no joy with that. Then went on to theatre as they thought they would have to perform a c- section. They went on to try the forceps which thankfully worked. c- section could have been tricky for me with having scar edesians ect with previous op. Poor little thing has a head shaped like a cone at the mo but that will obv go down. Here is my princess ..
Hey ladies... After yesterday of having to top Connor up after every feed I upped his bottles to 4oz. Well he's been having 4oz every 2-3 hours! In knackered lol. Would you consider this been a growth spurt or more of hungry baby? :? X Edit- He takes like half hour to finish a bottle too Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins
Probably growth spurt Jess, you will soon know as he will likely settle down soon. Hope it's a quick one! Xx
This is exactly what Ben did so I kept upping the bottles but he still never goes longer than 3 hours max is usual is 2.5 which is quite annoying lol!! Xx
I think 4weeks on Sunday is still too young for weaninglol. But I just hope he starts going longer between feeds soon! X Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins
Girls... Do you give your babies Rusks???
I bought a box at the recommendation of a friend but have just now looked at the NI... In just 1 rusk, there is 4.5g of sugar!!!
Not sure she'll be having them now... :-/
Ah I know they wouldn't harm her.. Its her weight n teeth am concerned about.. I clearly have the "fat gene" so have to watch her with that and i'm obsessed with teeth n sugar contents...My mum and I had this discussion yesterday. They do reduced sugar ones which I'm going to give Rebecca as every child in my family has had rusks and are fine. It does seen like a lot of sugar though xxx
Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
I bought some when we were starting cos that's what everyone has right?!? And I got the reduced sugar ones. And was still gobsmacked at how much sugar there was. That said I figured now and again wouldn't hurt. But she hated them. Wouldn't touch them. So I ate them as I love rusks and haven't bought any since! She did like the Heinz biscotti things though.